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guys i started a new story (not a fic) called "24 floors" and im pretty excited about it. it would mean the world to me if you checked it out 💜💜

The crash wasn't too bad; just a little fender bender. The force of the contact between the two cars was enough to whip our heads forward allowing for a shooting pain in my neck. I rolled my head around in a circle while Luke cursed under his breath, "Are you okay?" He looked over at me. I nodded, "Yeah, are you?" He replied with a quick yeah before grabbing his car information and a pen. I watched as he got out of the car to go switch information with the person we just hit.

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car to see the damage. To our luck, there wasn't much; only a small dent in the front of Luke's car. I was out of the car for maybe thirty seconds when Luke's voice rose at me, "Rebecca, get in the car now." He demanded. I looked up at him as he walked towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him get right back into the car. I followed his actions and as soon as I shut the door, Luke sped away. I looked out the window to see the guy we just hit, and I couldn't shake the fact that he looked extremely familiar. The guy looked right back at me, and then I knew.

I whipped my head towards him, "Was that who I thought it was?" I asked. Luke just remained silent and kept his eyes glued to the road. "You said we would be safe here." I added.

"I'm sorry, Rebecca. I'm so sorry."

"What does he want?" I questioned, trying to stay calm.

"The last 7 and a half years of his life back." He replied.

"Luke I can't be dealing with this stress...I could be pregnant. It's not healthy for me or the possible baby." I reminded him.

"I know."

"Then what do we do?"


White Noise {punk l.h. au} Sequel to "Colours {punk l.h. au}"Where stories live. Discover now