Welcome Back

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"Just take it all in, dad! We got trees, more trees, flowers..." You looked around with a big grin on your face. "And look, the stars. I think they're shining brighter, dad. Do you think so?"

Your dad chuckled softly at your enthusiasm. It wasn't normal for you to be so excited about nature, but this was an exception. It was the first time since last year that you traveled to Gravity Falls. You might have been tired, maybe even a little grumpy, but the prospect of seeing your best friend, Wendy, put you in a much happier mood than usual.

"And do you smell that?" You were already heading up the stairs of the log cabin. "The pine trees. Dad, do you smell the pine trees?"

"I smell the trees, (Y/N)." He didn't sound nearly as happy as you did, but his fond smile revealed there was a bit of excitement in there somewhere.

The cabin was just as you remembered from the last trip. A bit of dust settled on the wooden coffee table, and the floor looked like it needed a good sweeping, but you knew your dad would handle it and payed it little attention. You bounded up another set of stairs and turned into your room.

Your (f/c) bedspread was untouched, bed still perfectly made. The sliding glass door that led to the small balcony was free of any handprints, but there were a few spiderwebs and wasps nests on the outside. Leaves and pine needles littered the balcony's planks, but you hardly noticed. You were already standing in the balcony when your dad made it to your room, your two bags in hand.

"So, I take it you're excited to be back." He said, a light chuckle passing his lips.

"Of course! I haven't seen Wendy in forever! And I get to see Nate and Lee, and wait—I forgot, Thompson, too!"

Your dad laughed, although there was a bit of pity in his eyes. "That kid'll do anything,"

"We have to go to the Mystery Shack!" You interjected. "I wanna see what else Stan has managed to come up with."

"You have a busy day tomorrow, then, don't you?"

Hearing him say this, you deflated a little. "I guess so,"

It seemed he was a bit too eager to let you go. Of course, you were grateful to be allowed out with friends! But you knew the first chance your father got, he would be driving himself crazy with his work. And you didn't come to Gravity Falls to have your father locked away in an office.

"Go ahead and get some rest." He said, clasping a hand on your shoulder. "I know you're probably tired."

"Not too much," You admitted. "Maybe we can do something, see a movie? Get something to eat?"

"That sounds wonderful, (Y/N), but it's one in the morning. Nothing will be open." He pressed a kiss to your temple. "How 'bout breakfast tomorrow?"

You smiled. "Sounds like a plan,"

"I'll see you in the morning. Good night,"

"Night, dad."

Once your door was closed, you headed over to your suitcase and went to the bathroom to change into your pajamas. After closing the door to the balcony, you climbed into bed and soon fell asleep.


The cabin was destroyed. The roof had a large smoking hole right in the center. Pieces of wood and roof tiling fell into the driveway. As you made your way up, glass crunched underneath your footsteps. You took notice of your dad's car, crushed to almost nothing.

"What the..."

You made your way up the steps to the front door. The glass window was shattered and even more shards were outside. When you opened it up, you could hear the crystals hitting one another as the door pushed them away.

The inside of the house looked as if it was on fire. The furniture was charred, curtains left in tatters. Even the rug, once fluffy and welcoming, had new holes for decoration.

"Dad?" You called out, turning first to go to his office.

Before you could even step, and unfamiliar, even otherworldly voice stopped you in your tracks.

"Welcome back! It's about time you came here!"

You whipped around to face the voice, but when you turned, no one was there.

"I thought you weren't gonna show." A small pout was heard in the voice.

"Who are you?" You spun around in a complete circle, but no one was there, it was just you inside of the cold, empty cabin. You grabbed a plank from the ground in case you needed to defend yourself.

"Really, kid?" He sounded amused with your little display. With a breathy sigh, he continued. "I thought you, of all people would know! I have to say, I'm offended."

"Offended?" You repeated under your breath.

You didn't recognize the voice from anywhere. It was impossible to see him, so you couldn't tell if you knew him or not. You seriously doubted you've met him before.

"Gee, (Y/N), that hurts my feelings."

"How do you know my name?" You raised the plank high defensively.

"I know lots of things, kid."

"Where are you?"

"Oh, I'm everywhere." The voice seemed to be coming from all around you. "And nowhere at the same time!"

A push came from behind you, sending you stumbling forward. You were stopped from tumbling into the couch and pushed over towards the hall. The plank tumbled from your hands and loudly clattered on the floor.

"What do you want from me?" You asked when you finally regained your balance, pushing your hair out of your eyes.

"Nothing much, kid. Just a small favor. You know, without your help..." A snap was heard right next to your ear. "People could die."

As soon as he said that, the floor beneath you caved in, and you were falling. All the air left your lungs in an instant. You tried to latch onto something, anything, but there was nothing to save you. You couldn't even scream.

"I'm only trying to help you, you see." It sounded like he was directly beside you. "Get back to me, why don't you?"

You landed roughly on your stomach, barely able to prop yourself up before he spoke again.

"You wouldn't want anyone to die, now would you?"

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