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A few days later, you and Bill decided to head over the the Mystery Shack. He wouldn't explain why he was so eager to go there, and why he needed to be there at a specific time.

Bill waited until right before dinner when he decided to go. He wouldn't even let you take one bite of the food, claiming that it was too important for you to be wasting your time on stupid things like that. Of course, you protested, saying it was good, but he didn't listen. Bill only grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the cabin before your dad could even say "Goodbye."

You were a bit agitated that he couldn't wait. It wasn't like the Shack would go anywhere.

"I'm very hungry." You said. "It wouldn't surprise me if I died."

"No. you won't, Kid. You're gonna be just fine."

The whole day, Bill was in a rather happy mood. He smiled more than usual and seemed to be especially clingy. He kept kissing you on the cheek and holding your hand much more often.

"I guess I should tell you first." Bill said, coming to a sudden stop.

"Tell me what?" You stopped a few feet ahead of him, turning back.

"Who you are. About your mom."


"Sure, Kid! It interesting really. You see, your mom was a sort of important person. I didn't know her personally, but she was pretty powerful."

You looked a bit confused, and Bill noticed. His smile grew wider.

"She was royalty, Kid. Surprised you haven't figured it out. I told you you were smart!"

You had a feeling he was just messing with you, but then you saw the gleam in his eye, like he was excited to share the news. He seemed so genuine about it, you couldn't help but believe him. Suddenly, you were at a loss for words.

"I know, I know." Bill said. "It's a lot to take in. You see, your mom, the Queen of the world I come from, sent me here to get the Rift. She wanted me to get it to protect you. And your dad. But, hey, maybe after we get it back, I can take you to meet her."

"Hold on—"

"You want clarification on her, don't you?" He shrugged his shoulders as he thought of what to say. "She's royalty, your royalty. She's a queen, so you're the princess. And I gotta protect you. Understand? And—"

"So, wait. Does that mean Dad's a king?"

"No, he's just a normal mortal."

"But I'm..."

"You're a princess. Kinda like a half-blood in your fancy wizard books you like to read. You're the half-blood Princess."

"I don't... I can't comprehend what you're saying." You said, not even knowing exactly what it was you were saying. "I'm hearing the words, but it doesn't seem like it's possible."

"Trust me, Princess." He said, holding your hand once more. "It's completely possible! And one hundred percent true!"

"You mean to tell me, I'm the princess of your realm?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

"Well, I... I mean, yeah but– it just doesn't—"

"Relax." Kissed you quickly. "Just try to work it all out."

He pulled you along while you were still wearily trying to put two and two together. Eventually, the two of you reached the mystery shack, just in time to see Mabel burst out of the door.

The usual cheery girl was in tears. She was sobbing hysterically and ran past you without so much as looking your way.

"Mabel!" You called, snapping out of your daze.

You started after her, easily catching up and grabbing hold of her arm.

"Let me go!" She cried.

"Mabel, talk to me." You said.

She snaked out of your grip, dropping the book bag she had on her shoulders and continued her sprint into the woods. You glanced at the bag for only a second before you darted after her.

It wasn't hard to find her again, but it did take a bit of time. You found her with her head buried in her sweater.

"Mabel?" You asked, a softer approach than what you tried before.

"Sweatertown is not accepting incoming calls right now." She muttered, sounding miserable.

"Mabel, c'mon." You sat down next to her at the base of the tree. "You're never sad like this. Maybe if you talk about it—"

"Dipper said he's gonna stay here to be Ford's apprentice. And he's gonna leave me all alone to grow up and be miserable. Wendy said that high school sucks. People are mean and all hormone-y." She wiggled her arms, making the sleeves ha going off the edge of her fingertips flop around. "How am I supposed to go through that without my best friend?"

"Ford's apprentice?" You felt your face pale.

Dipper absolutely could not stay with Ford. He couldn't leave Mabel alone, yeah, you agreed with that, but Ford is dangerous. Stan said so himself. And with all the things Bill told you about him, you couldn't exactly call yourself Dipper's friend if you let him stay.

"That's kinda... That's a big deal, isn't it?" You asked, trying your best to sound like you didn't know more than what you should.

"Of course it's a big deal! (Y/N) how am I gonna survive?" She poked her head out of her sweater with a pitiful sniff. "I've always had Dipper to cheer me up whenever I'm sad or sit with me if I'm ever alone. I don't think I can go a whole year without him."

"Don't worry, Mabel." You tried. "I'm sure he'll come around. Besides, do you really think your parents will let him quit school to stay here worth Ford?"


"It'll be okay. Besides, high school really isn't that bad. Trust me. Wendy's just being dumb." You hesitated a moment. "Don't tell her I said that."

"Don't worry. I won't."

"Plus, you're great at making friends. I mean, c'mon! You have a pig! And you got all these cool sweaters..."

Mabel laughed a little. "I am pretty well known for my great sense of style."

"See?" You smiled. "It'll be okay, Mabel." You stood up and offered her a hand. "What do you say we head back to the Shack? Maybe you can try talking to Dipper again."

"Okay." She smiled and took your hand. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

"No pr—"

Mabel was looking behind you, her eyes wide. You turned around to see a sort of tear in the sky. You gasped, staring at the bright yellow and green from the hole in contrast to the now orange sky.

"Oh, no." You muttered.

"What is that?" Asked Mabel, sounding horrified.

"I don't know, but I-I think Ford—"

You heard a thud behind you and turned around to see Mabel laying on the ground. You couldn't help but scream a little.

There was a laugh from above you. You looked up and felt your eyes widen.

"Why so tense, Princess?" Asked Bill. "Maybe you should relax."

He snapped his fingers, and you felt yourself slipping away from reality. You tried to fight back, but all that happened was you mumbling a soft "No," as you fell to the ground and fell into unconsciousness.



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