The Royal Princess

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Things quieted down a lot sense you were last downtown. There weren't as many people screaming, no one was on the streets, everything was just this quiet, eerie silence.

You noticed one of the flying eyeballs and quickly ducked around the corner of a building. The eye passed without even looking in your direction. You sighed in relief and peeked around the corner.

The pyramid was right in front of you, you just needed to get in. You didn't think it could be too hard, but now that you were standing there you didn't think it was really that easy.

You looked around for anything you could use to get closer, but instead, you found something else.

A head with an arm growing out the top dragged itself towards you. "Hey, could you do me a favor and get in my mouth?"

You let out an ear piercing scream and ran off in the other direction.

"Please? Just—just get in my mouth."

As you ran, you weaved through buildings and finally found an open window to jump through. You landed on the ground in the broken glass and yelled in pain, scooting back from the window hurriedly.

You looked down at your bleeding arm in horror. Then, the dragging sound made it's way down the road. You moved away from the window, holding your arm close. When he passed, you looked around for another exit.

There was another window just on the other side of the shop. You opened it up climbed through slowly, wincing in pain when your arm slid across the windowsill.

"Hey, look, there!"

You turned around quickly.

"It's the pretty girl Bill was talking about!"

You looked behind you, and the arm-hand man was getting closer and closer, still asking you to get in his mouth. When you turned around, the two demons were right beside you, grabbing your arms tight and pulling you away.

"I'm sure he'll be excited to see you."


The door was thrown open and you were slung to the ground. Everything in the once loud room went silent. You looked around through the strands of hair covering your face with your arm close to your chest.

"Princess!" Bill exclaimed.

You felt yourself behind lifted up, and naturally, you yelped. With of a wave of his hand, Bill had you floating right next to him. He snapped his fingers and you dropped down, just barely staying on your feet as you landed on the arm of his throne.

"What d'ya think?"

You looked beneath you, at all the people who were turned to stone. Your head snapped up toward's Bill. "What the hell is this?"

"Weirdmageddon!" He said happily. "Don't you love it?"

"This is insane! Y-you... I trusted you!"

"Yeah, and do you have any idea how hard it was to make you do that? Yeesh, I thought you'd be easy."


"I had to keep altering and altering. I had to distract you all the time. You were smart, and you kept questioning things over and over." Bill said, sounding annoyed.

"You told me Ford was the bad guy, but the whole time it was you! And you... You made me feel—you made me love..."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a second. You did all that by yourself, Kid."


"That's right! All of that 'emotions' stuff was your doing. I just decided to play along so you'd trust me more for a moment there!"

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