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"This isn't fun." Bill sighed from inside the dressing room. "Why are you making me do this, Princess? Do you hate me?"

"Trust me, Bill, it's worth it. We can't have you walking around dressed in all black."

"But why not?" He poked his head out of the door. "I don't like this."

You looked up from your phone. "Let me see."

He reluctantly emerged from the room. He wore a green sweater vest and some jeans, along with a pair of converse. You smiled; he looked perfectly fine. And normal, for the most part.

"What's wrong with it?" You asked.

"It's not..."

The two of you looked at each other expressionless. You had to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes.

"You want a bowtie, don't you?"

He nodded reluctantly.

You let out a sigh. "You're so high maintenance."

For a person who hates shopping so much, Bill sure did like to drag it out by asking for strange things, like a top hat or a cane. He even asked for a suit. Of course, you said no.


Bill's face brightened. He went back into the dressing room to put his other clothes on.

Thirty minutes later, you were standing next to him in the check out. The girl who was scanning the tags kept eying him nervously. It took a while for you to realize you still didn't deal with his eyes.

When she finished scanning and you handed over Zach's card, you quickly grabbed the bags and got out of there.

"We really have to do something about your eyes, Bill." 

Bill stopped walking.

You stopped a few steps ahead of him, turning back to look at him. "What?"

"I feel weird." He looked at you, clearly nervous.

"Weird how?"

He put his hands on his stomach. "Right here feels weird."

"You're probably hungry."


"You need to eat something." Your face brightened. "I know a place where we can eat!"


Bill poked at the pancake on his plate. He looked absolutely disgusted, offended almost.

"What?" You asked, chewing a piece of yours.

"It's circular."

"You're kidding."

"Will it taste circular?"

"What? Circular isn't a taste, Bill."

"You're lucky." He pouted, finally mustering up enough courage to cut a piece off. "Circular is the worst thing that can ever be tasted."

You hummed in response, watching him slowly take a bite of the food. He spit it back out and then grabbed your cup of coffee.

Even though it was summer, you liked your coffee scalding hot.

"Bill, wait, don-"

He took a huge gulp. His eyes widened and then he smiled. Soon, he started giggling and the giggles turned into laughs.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Pain is hilarious!" He exclaimed, pouring the rest of the coffee on his pants.

People looked at the two of you weirdly. You covered your face.

"Bill..." You whispered.

"I want another one. Get another one!"

"Don't-don't pour it on yourself, okay? That's not - people don't do that."

He stared at you with his glowing eyes. It seemed like he was just realizing that people don't pour coffee on themselves. If he was supposed to know so much, how was he so clueless about everyday life?

Lazy Susan poured more coffee into the cup. This time, you couldn't see the steam rising from it.

Bill quietly sat there, trying to get the coffee off of his pants while you ate. When you finished, you looked at him. He was looking right at you, but you were sure he wasn't actually looking at you.

Different images flashed in his eyes. One you saw was Dipper, another was the Mystery Shack. You couldn't make out every single picture that was passing by, they were hardly there for half a second.

You stared, trying hard to get a good look at every picture. You saw yourself, looking scared, a glass ball with some sort of black thing in it, a beautiful woman and all kinds of other things. Becoming a little freaked out, you lightly reached across the table to touch his hand.


He blinked and all of the pictures were gone. "What do you need, Princess?"

"What were you doing?"


"I could..." You sighed. "Are you done? I think I have an idea for your eyes."


You and Bill sat in the living room on the floor. Your laptop was on the coffee table and you were scrolling through color contact lenses.

"It would take a day or so to get here." You said, clicking the purchase button. "Until then, you'd probably have to stay away from... Well, everyone I guess. What're you gonna do until then?"

"I can wait. Drink more coffee."

"No. I mean, like, where are you gonna stay? You can't go to a hotel. He might see you."

Bill shrugged. "Good point, kid. Maybe-"


You jumped. Your dad walked into the room, carrying an empty coffee mug. Bill smiled at the sight of this.

"Dad, hey."

"Who's this?"

"Uh, this is my friend, Zach."

Your dad outstretched a hand. To your surprise, Bill shook it normally.

"Nice to meet you, sir!" He grinned.

"Um, Dad? Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." He walked to the kitchen with you following close behind.

"The thing is, Dad... Zach has no place to go. He, uh, his parents are out of town and I thought maybe he could sleep in the guest room, or something?"

He looked uncomfortable about it. "I don't know."

"Before you say no, Zach and I have been friends since as long as I can remember, I trust him." You lied. "And we have all this room. This place is big enough for our entire family."

He chuckled. "That's a bit extreme."

"But you understand, don't you? C'mon, one room for just a few days?"

"Space isn't the problem, (Y/N)."

You sighed, giving him a look. "Daddy, please. Do you really think we'd... Look he'd be down the hall, in a completely different room than mine. He just needs somewhere to stay."

He thought it over for a while. "I suppose a few days wouldn't be too much of a problem. Just make sure he doesn't-"

"No problem, Dad."

He smiled at you and tousled your hair. "My little girl." He started walking out the door to leave, but stopped. "What do you want for dinner."

You glanced past him at Bill who was poking the keys on your laptop.

"Um, just make sure it's not circular."

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