Iron Resolve

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The news that Bill was destroying Gravity Falls was actually sort of a surprise to you. Despite the fact that you were there when everything happened, you were almost convinced that it hadn't ever happened. That everything was normal and your boyfriend was not the type who would destroy everything. Though you believed Dipper, you still found yourself in denial.

"Who's Bill?" You questioned.

"We know you know who he is (Y/N)." Mabel said softly.

You sighed. "Look, guys, I know he may seem like a bad guy, but he's really sweet when you—"

"(Y/N) he's dangerous!" Dipper exclaimed. "We have to go, now."

"But nothing is wrong! Look around, everything's fine!" You said motioning around.

"He's trapped you in some sort of time bubble." Wendy said. "Things outside here are crazy. He's put this pyramid in the sky and made eyeballs with wings fly around."

"It's not pretty, dude." Said Soos.

"So, stay in here. Everything's good in here. There's no flying eyeballs, my dad's not busy. We're finally hanging out, like we came here to do in the first place."

"That's not your dad in there, (Y/N)." Wendy said.

"She's right." Agreed Dipper. "Everything in here is just an illusion. Things outside are way worse, and we need your help to stop Bill."

"What do you need my help for?" You asked.

"We think that maybe you can stop him."

"Me? Why?"

"He likes you." Said Mabel. "A lot."

"He'll listen to you. You are what he's trying to protect the most."

You shook your head. "Protect me from what?"

Wendy and Soos looked at each other.

"The truth." Said Mabel.

"About what?"

"We have to go. Before he realizes what's going on. (Y/N), please." Dipper begged. "We need your help."

You were torn. Even though Bill was a demon, you couldn't deny that he had a special place in your heart. He wormed his way in there and you couldn't do anything about it. You didn't want to defy him, but you couldn't stand to see other people suffer because of your selfish wants. You wanted to stay safe, you wanted to be with your father, and you wanted to be with Bill and be happy. But you would never truly be happy if you lived with the fact that everyone was suffering because of you.

As much as you didn't want to admit it, you grew to love the dream demon, and now you had to fight him. All the moments the two of you shared together, you couldn't pass it on as some charade; a distraction. You knew there was some truth behind his actions. No one would be so cruel as to fake something like that.

But, even though your heart told you to stay, you were determined to help the people of Gravity Falls. You wouldn't let them continue to live in a constant state of fear just because you were afraid of losing someone you cared for. If Bill really was the bad guy, that meant you were just as much at fault as he was. You were going to set things right, even if it broke your heart.

You looked over your shoulder one last time. With a defeated sigh, you said, "Fine. I'll go. I'll help you defeat Bill."

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