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Dinner that night went better than you expected.

Dad ended up ordering Chinese, and there were no problems with anything tasting circular. It was entertaining to see Bill fumble with the chopsticks. He kept muttering things about human fingers.

After that, you told him how he'd probably need to not refer to his body in the way that he did. If he were to be with Dipper or Mabel, he couldn't mumble about how pointless human bodies are.

Then it was his turn.

You were eager to get answers about your mother, so you finally asked him. 

You sat across from him on the couch, knees pulled to your chest while you awaited eagerly to hear what he had to say. Bill thought for a while, as if he wanted to tell you something, but didn't know if it was quite the right thing to tell.

"Well," He said. "Your mom was definitely something, kid."

"What was she like? Did you know her?"

"I knew stuff about her. Never actually talked to her." He explained dismissively. "But, you're a lot like her, from what I can tell!"

"Really?" You smiled.

"Sure! And your eyes are the same."

"What else?"

"That's all I can tell you for now, Princess."


He yawned, then looked at you, looking very confused. "What was that?"

You sighed. "You're tired. I guess you should to to bed."

You directed him to his room and then went to your own. After spending the entire day with Bill, it was quite easy to drift off. The guy was draining.

The next morning you woke up on your own. It was nice to finally have a full rest without being woken up by a nightmare. You only bothered to brush your teeth before you headed downstairs, still half asleep.

When you got in the kitchen, you saw your dad poking around in the fridge.

"Morning." You yawned.

"Good morning." His worlds were muffled by the cup in his mouth. "Sleep okay?"

"Yeah. What are you-"

He took out orange juice with his free hand and then shut the fridge with his foot. His other hand was holding an apple, some chips, and an entire box of cereal.

He stopped in front of you. "What?"

"On second thought, never mind."

With a nod, he carefully walked down the hall back into his study so he could continue working on his mystery solving.

You decided to eat some cereal, still not trusting yourself to turn on the stove. When you were nearly done, Bill sat next to you sleepily.

You glanced at him out of the corner of your eyes, seeing his messy hair and tired glowing eyes.

"I don't understand how you humans work." He said, his head leaning on the counter. "This isn't fun."

"Did you even sleep at all?"

"Are you kidding? Course I did!"

"Oh." You remarked, not really believing his claim. You dropped your dishes in the sink. "Do you want cereal?"

He paused a moment. "Is it-"

"No, Bill. It's not circular."

"I'll take some!" He grinned.

After Bill ate, the two of you went into the living room. Since Bill couldn't leave the house until the contacts came in, you decided you might as well stay with him.

So, when Wendy or Nate texted you if you were busy, you lied and said you had a 24 hour bug.

After lunch, you both sat outside on the deck. You began to grow more and more curious about the situation with the rift as time passed. Figuring that time would be as good as any to ask, you took a deep breath and turned to Bill.

"So, why do you want that rift so bad?" You asked.

There was a few seconds of silence until Bill said, "I need it. I can't let anything bad happen."

"Well, what would happen? Who even has it? Dipper or Mabel?"

"Their Great Uncle Ford. He stole it from me; tricked me. Stanford's a clever guy, I'll give him that!"

"But how could he? I thought you wee supposed to know the future, or something."

"Well, kid, I wasn't focused. I trusted him to help and he was only using me. Man, I was dumb!" He looked at you smiling. "But we're gonna get it back, and then it'll be okay."

"Yeah." You smiled, too. "But wait, what would happen if you don't get it back?"

"You see, Princess, Stanford's a bad guy. He doesn't have the same kinda intentions as me." Bill explained. "I wanna help this place out, and he wants to hurt it."

"Hurt it how?" You questioned, suddenly skeptical.

You couldn't see Stan ever doing anything to hurt Gravity Falls. He may not be the most caring man, but he did have a heart, you knew that. And he cared for his home.

"Oh, that's right!" Bill said suddenly. "You haven't met Stanford. You only know Stanley."

"I... What?"

"Stanford is Stanley's twin. It's all confusing really. You'll understand, eventually!"

"Stan has a twin? No way! That's-"

"Let's not dwell on that, 'kay, kid? Brings back some pretty bad memories."

"Right." You shook your head like that would rid the thought.


The next night, the contacts for Bill arrived. Luckily, your dad didn't come out when the doorbell rang, so you didn't have to worry about an excuse.

You dragged Bill upstairs to your bathroom where you told him to put them in. At first, he was really confused, and a little afraid ("I have to put that in my eye?!") but then you assured him that people wore contacts all the time and that it wouldn't hurt at all.

If he didn't mess up.

After a while of waiting, he finally managed to get one in his eye. You watched the glowing fade away and his eyes go to a normal shape. They were blue, just as the package read. For once, Bill looked like a normal person, except for the other eye.

"Wow!" He grinned. "These are cool, thanks, kid!"

He managed to take care of that easier than the first eye. Bill was finally passable as Zach.

"Great." You said through a yawn. "They work."

Bill was still marveling at his new eyes in the mirror. You actually had to drag him away from it and push him towards his room.

"Tomorrow we can go see Dipper and Mabel and try to get your rift back." You said before turning around."

Weirdmageddon was so good omfg

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