And Closer Still

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"Don't you dare be weird." You said, standing in front of Bill. "Don't ask them if they want to know the exact date and time of their death, don't offer them the secrets of the universe in exchange for their soul, and please, please, remember to call Dipper and Mabel by Dipper and Mabel."

"Sounds easy enough."

"And what did I say?"

"'Just because something's pointy, doesn't mean you touch it.'"

"Good." You started up the steps. Just when you reached the doorknob, you looked back at him. "Oh, and-"

"Don't say things Zach wouldn't already know."

"Okay. Don't do that either."

Bill nodded.

You opened the door and was greeted loudly by Mabel screaming your name. Stan said his usual grunt of a hello and Dipper quickly shoved his book in his vest and greeted you with a "Hey, (Y/N)."

"Who's the guy?" Dipper pointed behind you at Bill.

"That's Zach."

"How do you know him?" Asked Mabel, clearly star struck.

"We're friends."

But at the exact same time you said that, Bill said, "I'm her boyfriend."

You were pretty sure Bill wouldn't ever say anything like that. Not only did you find it unlikely for him to know about boyfriends and girlfriends, you thought it would at least be common sense for him to just stick with the friends so your dad wouldn't freak out.


Stan looked up. "You finally got a boyfriend?"

"No!" You assured. "He's only kidding!"

"Come on, Princess, there's no reason to be so secretive!" Bill put his arm around your shoulder before he faced the group in front of you. "I'm Zach! Nice to meet ya!"

Your face burned bright red as your three friends stared at you. You wanted to crawl under a table. This wasn't part of the plan.

"How the heck did you pull that off?" Stan questioned.

"I'm not - we're not, no!" You tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Princess, c'mon!"

"Excuse us." You grabbed Bill's arm and dragged him to the other side of the shack.

"What the hell are you doing?" You whisper-yelled.

"I thought it would make it more believable. They never met me, we wouldn't be friends so quick."

"This isn't the plan. We had a plan, a script! This is not the script!"

"Yeesh, Princess, relax."

"Relax? I told you to follow the script, I trusted you to follow it. Why aren't you following it?"

"It's just a little white lie." He said calmly. "It won't hurt! Besides, it's for a good cause in the end!"

Your dream crossed your mind. You didn't want that to happen. You wanted everything to be okay in the end.

"Fine." You said, tucking your hair behind your ears. "Fine, you're right. It doesn't matter."

You turned back to the others and began walking their way. "I'm sorry I freaked out. I just... Wasn't expecting him to be so open." You glanced over your shoulder at Bill, who was following you.

You noticed Dipper looking at Bill skeptically. Bill seemed to notice this, too, because he put his arm around your shoulders again.

"Well," Stan looked at Bill. "Just don't hurt her, or I'll break you."

You smiled. You had no idea he cared that much about you.

"Wouldn't dream of it!"

Mabel put her hands on her cheeks, trying to suppress her inner fangirl, but it was useless. "Aww, that's so sweet! Dipper, don't you think?" She pushed her brother.

He rubbed his arm. "Yeah. Adorable..."

You were so worried that he was seeing right through the plan, but how could he? There was no way he'd know that Zach was Bill Cipher.

Now that you were actually there, you had to figure out a way to get the rift before anything bad happened. You didn't know where it was, or who actually had it. Bill said Stanford, but Stanford wasn't the one you knew. He was right when he said it was confusing.

Besides, where was the twin? You'd never even seen him before.

At that very moment, there was a loud crash. The vending machine swung open, and there stood a man who looked exactly like Stan, standing there with a squid-like animal wrapped around his hand.

You noticed Bill smile when he saw him, but the sudden action made you jump back. Dipper and Mabel yelped while Stan quickly got to his feet.

"Everyone, get down!" He ordered. "Don't let it taste human flesh!" He hit the creature and it fell to the floor.

It scampered over to you, so naturally, you took cover behind Bill. Dipper jumped out of the way.

"What is it?"

"Can we keep it?" Mabel asked, her hands clasped together.

Stan tried to hit it with a newspaper. "Kill it, kill it!"

Bill was trying to giggle quietly at the chaos unfolding in the room.

The man found a way to corner the squid and crept up to it. "Patience... And..." He grabbed the creature with his glove-covered hands. "Gotcha!"

A blue light illuminated the corner, and then he held up the scorched creature with a proud smile.

"The hell?" You muttered, peeking over Bill's shoulders.

"Great, now get it out of here. It smells like if death could barf."

Dipper ran past Stan. "Great Uncle Ford, Great Uncle Ford!"

You stood next to Stan. "What was that?"

"My brother." He grumbled. "He's a dangerous know-it-all, and the stuff he's messing with is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stay away from him."

You and Bill exchanged looks.

It wasn't hard to figure it out. The rift you needed was behind the vending machine.

The hard part was going to be figuring out how to get in.

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