A New Bravery

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You raced into the shack after everyone else and screamed when greeted with the yells of everyone inside. Everyone stood, in ready positions. Stan was holding a club over his head, a small blonde girl you knew as Pacifica Northwest was dressed in rags. Even Old Man McGucket was there, along with strange little gnomes and a bear with many heads.

You looked around the room, but you saw no sign of your dad. Tears welled up in your eyes and you cleared your throat to try to keep yourself from crying.

"Have you, um... Where's Dad?" You asked.

Stan looked at you with sorrowful eyes. People inside the shack shared looks and you felt your heart drop in your stomach.

"Is he okay?" Your voice broke.

"Kid, he's not here." Stan said gently, stepping forward and putting a hand on your shoulder. "We haven't seen any sign of him."

You tried your best not to cry, bout no matter how hard you fought, you still let out a sob. You threw your arms around Stan and cried loudly, though you tried your very best to be silent. You were just so afraid, not only for the safety of your father, but the fact that you might lose him. You'd be all alone, and you'd have no one to blame but yourself.

Stan tried to comfort you, but it was clear he had no idea what he was doing. Finally you stepped back, still crying, but wiping at your eyes. You sniffed pitifully and looked up. Everyone was staring at you, looks of sorrow or regret on their faces.

"I have to find him." You said softly.

Dipper stepped forward. "W-we can help you look—"

"No." You said, your eyes on the floor. You looked at Dipper. "No, it's not safe out there."

"What? You can't go out there alone!" Wendy protested.

"I did this... I-I did this. So..." You ran your fingers through your hair, feeling a sudden courage bubbling inside of you. "I have to find him."

You started towards the door but Wendy grabbed your wrist.

"There's no way I'm letting you go out there alone, man." She said, her eyes determined.

"If you wait, we can all work together to find him." Mabel suggested.

"I can't— I-I can't wait. I have to leave." You yanked your wrist out of Wendy's grasp.

"(Y/N), we should really wait." Wendy urged.

"We could make a plan." Said Dipper.

"No. I ha—"

"It's not safe, (Y/N)." Wendy nearly yelled. "You go out there and you'll die!"

"He's all I have left. Okay—my dad's all I have... And..." You bit your bottom lip.

"But... Listen, you can't—"

But you didn't listen. With a deep breath and another wipe at the eyes, you pushed through the doors and ran outside. Before you could be spotted by the totem pole that tried to attacked, you darted into the woods.

You had absolutely no idea where to look for your father, but you had a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach to check in the magic floating pyramid in the sky.

And you thought you had a pretty decent way to get in.

I'm so sorry it's so short and it took me ages for this and it's not even that good. I would've made it longer but I really had to update and I have to be up and getting ready in about 6 hours and ugh

I promise I'll update asap and try to make it long

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