Day Together

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Bill was bored, and that was something he hated being. He always waited until Princess woke up so he wouldn't have to be alone downstairs.

When she finally woke up, Bill got out of bed and walked into the hall. They met at the top of the stairs and before he could even walk down the first step, Princess looked at him.

"I want to go to the lake today."


Bill watched Princess walk along the shore. She was balancing on an imaginary line between the dry sand and the wet. Her arms were out so she could keep steady, and she looked determined.

Bill found this entertaining; rather adorable. The look of determination on her face was the best thing he'd ever seen. She was so focused on the imaginary line.

Bill glanced over his shoulder at the seemingly empty beach. He knew about the two twins hiding behind some trees. He was aware of Pine Tree's suspicions.

Somehow he got the crazy idea that Zach wasn't who he claimed to be. Bill had no idea how, but he wasn't very worried.

Now, he just had to convince him that he was a good guy. He was Zach, Princess' boyfriend.

Suddenly, he heard her scream.

He rose to his feet and turned to face the girl.

Instead of her being on the ground, in pain, like he imagined, she was laughing. She looked down at her soaking wet converse with a smile.

"There was a boat." She said while she still giggled.

Bill approached her as his heart rate finally returned to normal. "Yeesh, Princess, don't do that. You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry." She slipped off her shoes and socks and grinned at Bill. "I probably should've done that first."

"I have an idea." Bill swung an arm around her shoulder and began walking back to the cabin. "What do you say we take a break? We just have fun! No plotting or scheming, we just do some exploring."

"Like normal friends?"

"No one thinks we're normal friends."

(Y/N) gave him a sideways glance. "What are you hinting at, Bill?"

"Since everyone thinks we're dating, we should go on one! Something to take the cake."

"I see." (Y/N) smiled.

"What do you say, Princess? We gotta deal?"

"Well, I guess since you were so clever with your approach..." Her smile grew wider as she leaned into Bill's side. "Deal."


"Wait, no, that's not how you hold it."

Bill looked over his shoulder. "How I'm I supposed to do it, then?"

Princess grabbed the golf club from his hand, turned it the right way, then gave it back to him. "Like that. And now, just lightly—"

Bill brought the club high above his head.


He looked back at her. "What's the fun in that?"

"We get to keep the ball."

He sighed in defeat, then lightly hit the ball. Like every time before, it didn't go anywhere near the hole.

"Maybe next time." She said, patting him on the shoulder and retrieving the ball.

"But we've finished."

"Oh," She looked around. "Guess I won, then."

Bill crossed his arms. "I still don't understand. I have way more points than you!"

"Yeah, that's the thing."

"I bet you just made it up so you'd win."

"Anyway, what, now?" (Y/N) pushed a strand of her (h/c) out of her face. "We've been to the movies, laser tag... I don't trust you to go bowling."


"You're... You're you."

(Y/N) thought for a moment her (e/c) eyes looking at the ground. Bill enjoyed watching her think. He always said the answer before she could figure it out herself, but he found it so interesting this time that he just let her think on her own.

"I know! It's supposed to be a surprise, but you probably already know, anyway." She slipped her hand in his. "This way."

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