New Friends

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The Mystery Shack looked just as you remembered. The porch was covered in pine needles and the windows looked dirty even from far away. It seemed Stan hadn't gotten around to repairing the 'S' that had broken off around last summer, so the sign still read 'Mystery Hack.' The only real mystery was how he was managing to bring in customers with his store looking so downtrodden.

"And Soos has a girlfriend now." Wendy informed you.

"No way!"

"Yeah! Her name is Melody, and they're, like the cutest ever."

"Aw, good for him,"

The two of you climbed up the steps and Wendy opened the door for you. Soos stood in the isle, sweeping the floors. Upon seeing you, he grinned widely and dropped his broom.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaimed, racing over to you. "How have you been, little dude?"

"Good!" The two of you hugged, but you felt as if you couldn't breathe with how tightly he was squeezing you. "I heard about your girlfriend," You managed to say.

Soos pulled away with a blush. "Oh," He had a pleasant smile. "Yeah. She's the greatest, dude."

Before you could have the chance to gush, you noticed Stan walking into the room. He spotted you at the same time and turned on his heel to run away, but you weren't going to let that happen.

"Stan Pines!" You exclaimed, arms outspread wide for a hug.

He let out a defeated sigh and pinched his nose. "Kid, it's not even twelve. What do you want from me?"

Stan often feigned annoyance when you were around. However, after many Summers of dealing with his attitude, you picked up on the subtle hints of affection.

"I just stopped by to say hi to my old pal," You teased, earning a glare for the man.

"Who're you calling old?" He exclaimed.

You laughed but before the conversation could progress, two kids came running into the room. A little girl in a colorful sweater held a journal at arms length as she scampered away from the boy chasing her.

"Mabel, give it back!" He exclaimed.

"Never!" The girl, Mabel, you assumed, shouted.

She ran around you and then ducked behind Wendy. As the boy pursued, she moved to Stan for safety. The boy followed after her until finally—

"Quit running around!" Stan snatched the journal from
Mabel and gave it back to the boy. "You'll destroy the merchandise." He motioned towards the trinkets on the shelf that we're barely staying together as it was. (Y/N) could've been convinced they were already destroyed.

"Yo, Dipper, Mabel." Wendy waved them over to her. "There's someone I want you to meet."

Mabel beamed up at you, but the boy, who's name you figured was Dipper, was distracted with tucking his journal in his vest.

"This is my friend (Y/N)," Wendy said, motioning to you. "She's visiting for a while."

"Hey," You smiled at the two kids, unsure of what to do. As outgoing as you were with your friends, it was always a struggle talking to someone new.

"Hi, I'm Mabel!" The young girl beamed excitedly, showing off her braces. "I'm twelve and I own a pig!"

Her brother seemed much more reserved than her. His cheeks were a light shade of pink when he looked up at you, making you smile. "Uh, I'm Dop—Dipper!" He said, hastily clearing his throat afterwards.

"Nice to meet you guys." You smiled, not trying at all to hide your amusement with the boy.

His face burned brighter as he looked the other way.

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