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  "Ada!" I cry out as I run into my father's waiting arms.

I smile brightly as he lifts me up into the air and says, "Mae Govannen Melethril." I wrap my arms around my father's broad shoulder and bury my face in his raven hair. "How are you Sell-amin?"

"I am slightly bored Ada, can I help you with your work?" I ask as he slowly sets me back down on my feet.

He smiles brightly as he gently takes my hands in his and says, "Melethril, you know your mother did not approve of you being a silversmith."

"But Ada I love creating things from silver and metal." I say pleading with him to allow me to help him.

"Perhaps later when you are older," He says as he gently pats the top of my hands.

"Ada, I am better at creating swords than I am at being a royal lady."

His soft blue eyes peer down into my emerald ones as he says, "I know you wish to follow in my footsteps but you need to forge your own path. Now go on, I'm sure Thranduil is looking for you."

I roll my eyes as I say, "Ada, No matter how much you and his father plan we will never be together."

My father smirks as he says, "Never say never my child, now go I must meet with the council to discuss our battles strategies." I nod curtly as I slowly watch him leave my sight. After Annatar's betrayal my father had vowed to make him pay. I sigh as I slowly turn and go to find Thranduil. It was true that my father, Celebrimbor, and Thranduil's father Oropher wanted us to wed one day; but I didn't want to be tied down to anyone.

As I slowly make my way through my home of Ost-in-Edhil, I think back to a time when everything was much simpler. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Thranduil walk up behind me. "Hiril vuin Melethril," I hear his voice call out and I smile softly as I turn to face him.

"Quel andune Thranduil," He was tall for an elf his age. Even though I was older than him he towered over me. I had to admit that he was handsome for an elf; his long silver like hair was just now passing his shoulders while his tiffany blue eyes shone out against the night sky like beacons of light. I pause my footsteps to wait for him to reach me. "How goes the battle plans?" I ask searching his face for an emotion that would betray him.

"I'm afraid nothing new has been said, save for them marching out on the morrow for a council with the dwarves of Khazad-dûm." He says his melodic voice ringing off the walls.

"I wish I could go with them. I can't stand just sitting idly by while Sauron is out there plotting his next betrayal." I say my anger starting to rise in my chest.

"Melethril, you are one of the most talented silversmiths I have ever had the pleasure of meeting but I fear the battlefield is not for you." He says as he gently takes my hand in his. "Why do you wish for death?"

"I do not wish for it, I just wish for equality. If I had been born a son I would be joining you on the battlefield."

His grip tightens on mine and his eyes find mine as he says, "But then I would not be able to be beside you."

I chuckle as I pull my hands from his and say, "You are my dearest and most loyal friend Thranduil, but I do not think of you that way; at least not now."

He nods and I notice the sadness in his eyes as he says, "Then I will take up no more of your time Hiril vuin." He walks away and I suddenly feel like a knife has pierced my heart. I watch him disappear before I clench my jaw and head back off through my home to the one place I felt happy, the forge. Little did I know of the wrath and ruin that would soon ensue?

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