Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Journey

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I had become a type of amusement for my captors. Every night I was raped by a different man. This went on for weeks until they made a mistake. One tiny mistake thinking I had just given up. They were sadly mistaken. When night fell I slaughtered every last one of them, taking their swords and horses, and leaving their dead carcasses for the Wargs.

I rode back to where they had found me and found nothing of my father's body. That made me happy and sad all at the same time. I hoped and prayed that the elves had taken him back with them. I rode like the wind toward Amon Lanc. It took me months to reach the capitol city, home to Oropher and Thranduil.

As I stared at the great gates of the woodland realm I felt a smile cross my face. I had lost my father but hopefully I hadn't lost Thranduil. I climbed off the horse I had stolen from my captors and tying it to a nearby tree I pull the hood of my cloak over my head. I wanted to keep my hair a secret until I was able to speak to my friend. When I reach the door I look around to see that the elves were jubilant and celebrating.

I slowly walk over to a nearby elf and say, "What is going on?" The elf raises an eyebrow at my appearance before saying, "The Prince Thranduil is getting married today." I gulp down a breath of air as I feel my heart clench. I give the elf a polite nod as I slowly make my way through the huge crowd celebrating their prince's recent nuptials. I reach a close enough spot and looking forward see my friend Thranduil standing there a smile on his face as he stares at his new wife.

She was beautiful; her long blonde hair cascaded down her back like silk. I felt tears fill my eyes as I realize that even if I had made it sooner I wouldn't have been his wife. I was tainted now, sullied by the desires of mortal men. With one last look at him I silently wish him happiness before I turn around and head out of the front gates not even glancing back toward them. I quickly climb back onto my horses back and without a second glance ride far away from the woodland realm.


I was no longer the beautiful enchanting daughter of one of the last descendants of Fëanor. I was Randír, roughly translated to the Wanderer. I could never be Melethril ever again. For centuries I lived off the land which. I stayed away from people both mortal and non. As the years passed people began to fear me; saying a mysterious hooded being, preyed on bandits, goblins, Trolls, and Orcs; and killing them mercilessly. I avoided people as much as I could until one day a wizard wondered onto my path.

I watch him like a hawk as I hide in my perch like a bird. "Mae Govannen Hiril Vuin Melethril."

I hear him say and I narrow my eyes before jumping down and saying, "That is not my name Mithrandir."

He smiles as he turns to me and says, "But it was once, a long time ago."

"What brings you to my neck of the woods?" I ask as I gently place my hand on the hilt of my elven sword, Ithildin.

The wizard smirks as he says, "I have need of your expertise,"

I raise an eyebrow as I say, "With?"

He reaches into his grey cloak and pulls out a map. Holding it out to me he says, "If you are willing, meet me on the location marked the day after tomorrow."

I eye the map and a smirk fills my face as I say, "The Shire? What sort of adventure is this?"

"An unexpected one." He says before turning and walking away. "Oh and the person you must seek out is Bilbo Baggins." I nod before I turn back to his map. What type of adventure did he have in mind and why did he want my help? Deciding since I had nothing better to do I follow the map and quickly make my way to Hobbiton.

When I arrived in the Shire it was dark and I groan in annoyance as I search for the hobbit Bilbo's home. I was so busy looking around that I didn't notice a dwarf walking in my direction also mot paying attention. WHAM!

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