Chapter 21 - Melethril

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My eyes open and i look around to see the familiar sight of my balcony back home in Eregion. The pain of being stabbed was gone and my long auburn hair was back flowing from my head like fire. "Melethril?" I hear a familiar voice call out and I smile as I turn to see my father standing a few feet behind me his arms open to me.

"Ada!" I cry out tears in my eyes as I run into his arms. "I missed you so much!"

"And I you,"

"It is good to be in your arms once again." I say as I hold tightly to him not wanting to let him go.

"Melethril I hate to bring this up but you have a choice to make here." He says as he slowly pulls away from me until he is at arm's length.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiosity full in my voice. He takes my arm before he leads me over to my balcony and points down to the ground. I follow his finger to see myself lying lifeless on the ground below with Thorin and the rest of the company save for Fili and Kili, surrounding me tears in their eyes. Thorin was cradling my head in his arms, tears falling from his eyes down onto my cold cheeks. "Why are you showing me this?" I ask as my heart clenches.

"Like I said, you have a choice to make."

"I don't understand?"

"You have to choose my dear daughter, to leave things the way they are and pass into history along with me; or to return to those who also love you dearly." As he finishes his sentence he points back down and I follow his gaze and suddenly see Fili along with his brother, Tauriel, and Thranduil along with Frieda come into view. They were happy about their new found victory. My heart clenches as I see Fili start to walk toward my lifeless body but Dwalin stops him.

"Dwalin what are you doing? Let me pass." Fili says as smile on his face and I lean forward and place my hands tightly upon the railing of my balcony. "You don't need to see this laddie." Dwalin says and I bite my lip to keep from crying.

"What are you talking about Dwalin? Let me pass." Fili says his smile fading as his look turns to one of concern.

"I'm afraid I can't laddie." Dwalin says as Balin walks over to stand beside his brother as he says, "He's right Fili," Suddenly panic fills Fili's face as he starts to realize why they were keeping him away.

"No..." He cries as he slowly starts to stumble backwards until he backs into his brother. I glance over to see Thranduil's face blanche as he holds tightly to the little girl in his arms who is now trying to get free from him to run to my side. "Randir!" I hear her cry out and my heart breaks.

"Hush little one," Thranduil says as he turns her head into his chest. Tears pour from her eyes as she turns to cling to his neck. Then it suddenly hits me, "Where is Mahrie?" I ask my father and his face turns sad as he says, "She did not make it. She died so that her daughter may live."

My eyes widen as I cry out, "No, No, no, It wasn't supposed to end like this! I was supposed to die not her! Take my life and give her her's back!"

"Randir," I hear a familiar voice say and I turn to see Mahrie standing a few feet away from my father.

"Mahrie, you should be with your daughter. If I have a choice to live or die take my choice and choose life so that you can be with your daughter again." I say as I run over to her side.

"I'm afraid it does not work that way my lady. I have lived a full life. I had a great love and out of that love came Frieda but she needs someone who can protect her and love her more than I ever could. When my husband died a piece of me went with him. I could no longer give her the love and attention she needed, what you gave her when you rescued her from the fire."

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