Chapter 15 ~ Dragon Fire

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 I hear the roar of a dragon and instantly say to Tauriel, "We need to get everyone out of here!" She nods and I gently hand Tilda to her sister as I walk over and help the dwarves with Kili who shrugs us off as he cries out, "I can do it myself!"

"We're not leaving without our Dad." Bain says to Tauriel and I watch as she slowly turns to him and says, "If you don't your sisters will die, is that what your dad would want?"

"There's a boat downstairs." Sigrid calls and I nod as I say, "Go!" When we reach the boat Tauriel calls out, "Quickly now!" The two of us stand in the front of the boat while Bofur and Fili steer. Smaug dives down above use and I quickly push the children down out of harms way before standing up and following Tauriel's gaze to the dragon. It had been many a year since I last seen a dragon and Smaug was by far the mightiest of them all.

As he dives over and over again he spits fire down upon the town lighting it up. I gulp down a breath of air but it's not air, its smoke and ash from the burning wood. Suddenly we are rammed by the Master's barge almost knocking Fili and Oin out of the boat. I look up to see the Master freaking out over losing his gold and scowl. I feel Tilda grab my hand and I tighten my grip on hers reassuringly. "Da?" I hear Bain say then turn right as Tilda screams out, "Da!" I follow their line of sight to see him in a tower firing arrows at the dragon.

"He hit it! He hit the dragon!" Kili yells but I just shake my head as Tauriel says, "No,"

"He did! He hit his mark I saw!" Kili yells out again but I clench my eyes closed as Tauriel says, "His arrows cannot pierce its hide. I fear nothing will." I open my eyes right as Bain jumps from the boat and runs along the dock away from the boat. The dwarves and Bard's children call after him but he just keeps running, "Leave him! We cannot go back." Tauriel says and I take a deep breath before I turn to her and say, "Get them to safety!" She looks at me for a moment confused but nods. I jump from the boat and start running off after him. I hear Fili call out my name from behind me but I ignore him.

When I reach Bain he is pulling out the black arrow from before and I nod as I say, "I'll help you get to your father." The two of us run through the now burning city as we try to reach Bard. We reach the bell tower and I give him a lift as he holds tight to the black arrow. As we climb I hear the sound of the dragon nearing us and I place myself over Bain to protect him. The tower we are on shakes for a moment before settling and I look around before I pull Bain up to the top of the tower where we find Bard laying on the tower floor his quiver empty.

"Da!" Bain calls out as he sees his father.

"Bain, Why didn't you leave? You were supposed to leave!" Bard cries at Bain before he turns to me and yells, "Why did you get him out?"

"I came to help you!" Bain cries and I keep a watch full eye out for our dragon as they talk.

"No! Nothing can stop it now!" Bard exclaims as he follows my gaze toward Smaug.

"This might!" Bain says as he produces the black arrow.

I smile as Bard grabs the arrow and says to Bain, "Bain, you go back. You get out of here now!"

"Bard!" I cry as I see the dragon flying directly at us. I shield Bain right as Smaug's massive claws grips tight to the top of the tower crushing it. I feel my body be knocked over the edge of the tower along with Bain's but I quickly grab the tower with one hand and Bain with my other. As I am stretched in two I let out a cry of pain. "Da!" Bain cries out causing Bard to grab my arm and pull the both of us up beside him. Bain lies on the floor of the tower completely frozen and I pull myself to my feet as Bard takes the arrow and looks out at Smaug who has landed nearby on some burning houses.

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