Chapter 19 ~ Battle Of the Five Armies

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As a battle rages around me I look around to see all my friends fighting against the Orcs as one. Thranduil and Bard fight on in the city of Dale as the dwarves fight on upon the plains that lie before the mountain. I watch as Thorin, Kili, Dwalin, and Fili climb unto rams and head up to Ravenhill after Azog. I stare at them for a moment before I feel the scenery around me change. I look around to see ruins of an old watchtower and the smell of blood was thick on the air. I see no one as I slowly walk along until I reach the top of the tower.

I look down at the plains to see the dwarves and elves over powering the Orcs with help from the eagles and Beorn and smile. I hear something behind me and I turn to see Fili walking toward me a smile on his face. I smile back at him and as he reaches me I wrap my arms around him. "I missed you." I say to him but he doesn't reply he just gently cups my face in his hands and gently places a kiss on my lips. I feel heat fill my body as my eyes close and our kiss is deepened. Suddenly he pulls away and I look into his eyes to see them slowly growing cold.

He looks down and I follow his gaze to see a sword plunged into his back. My eyes widen as I cry out in anguish. He turns away from me and I see Azog standing behind him. Fili stumbles and as I reach out to grab him he falls over the edge of the tower and tumbles to the ground. I stare wide eyed at his lifeless body before I look back to see Azog was gone. I look around and see Kili fighting with Bolg to protect Tauriel when he is suddenly impaled as well. Tears pour from my eyes as I watch Tauriel fight against Bolg. I hear another cry and I turn to see Thorin being impaled by Azog and I cannot contain my sadness as I let out a ear piercing scream in pain.

I quickly make my way down the tower to Fili where I see Dwalin cradling him in his arms and my heart completely breaks. I reach up and clench the piece of hair that he had braided before I lean down in front of him and bury my face in his chest. I feel Dwalin's hand gently touch the top of my head before he places his head on mine. I cry out into his chest, "Fili get up! Please I can't do this without you! Get up!" I scream it over and over again until I feel myself being shaken awake.

"Randír!" Mahrie cries out as she shakes me. "Wake up!" My eyes widen as I jump awake. "Are you alright?" She asks as my eyes dart all around me finding anything to make me realize it was just a dream. "Randír!" she says as she smacks my cheek. I pause tears streaming from my eyes.

"I am sorry, I just had a nightmare." I say as I reach up and gently wipe the tears away.

"I heard you screaming and came to check on you."

"Thank you Mahrie, I didn't wake Frieda did i?" I ask as I try to compose myself.

"Thankfully not, but I am worried about you. I know you have probably seen many horrors in your life but you mustn't let them control you."

I smile as I say, "You are right." I slowly stand up and look around to see the sun about to creep over the ridge and I turn toward her and say, "When the chaos starts I want you to stay close to Frieda, and stay in the great hall. I won't be able to protect you."

She nods as she says, "Are you sure you're ready to fight?"

I look down at my hands and remember Fili's blood being on them in my dream and say, "I have to make sure my nightmare doesn't come true. Thank you Mahrie," I grab Ithildin and quickly make my way from their home to where they had roomed Bilbo. When I arrive I see him sneaking out and I smile as I sneak up behind him and poking him in the shoulder say, "Are you sure you won't get caught?"

He jumps and I smile as he turns back to me and says, "It's just you,"

I smile as I say, "I see you're sneaking back to the mountain,"

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