Chapter 2 ~ The Beginning

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The next morning I hear the sound of the dwarves getting around and I take a deep breath. I had been alone for centuries and that was my choice. I didn't trust anyone and now I would be leading a group of dwarves through the countryside to Mirkwood. My stomach clenches at the memory of the last time I was surrounded by men and I instantly swallow my despair and stand up. I see the fair haired dwarf walking out of the door and I smirk as I jump down behind him causing him to draw his sword and attempt to strike me with it, but I swiftly bring Ithildin up to block his swing.

I smile as I say, "You'll have to be quicker than that to harm me."

He stares at me for a moment clearly trying to read me before he says, "I'll remember that."

I watch as he pulls his sword away and quickly sheathes it and I follow suit. "I'm called Randír, what do they call you?" I ask trying to be polite.

"Fili," He says giving me a slight bow that I respectfully return before I say, "If you don't mind me asking, where are you off to?"

"I'm off to find some ponies for our journey." He says as he gently lays his hand on the hilt of his sword. I smile softly as I say, "Do you mind some company?" He smirks and I find that he has a nice smile, "Why not, you could help me bring them back."

I nod before I glance at all his knives and daggers and say, "So, you like swords and daggers?"

He lets out a laugh as he says, "I do,"

I give a genuine smile as I say, "I do to, my father used to make some of the finest swords in middle earth; Men, elves, and dwarves used to come from miles around to claim a sword made by him." My heart tinges at his memory but it's a soft tinge.

"Really?" He says curiosity and interest in his voice and I instantly feel like I have said too much. 'Dammit Randír, you don't have a father; Melethril does.' I quickly change the subject as I say, "It was a long time ago. Nowadays I just roam the countryside killing Orcs, trolls, and bandits." As I say the word Orc I put as much disgust in my voice as I can muster. He suddenly stops in his tracks and his eyes find mine as he says with shock full in his voice, "That was you? I thought the mysterious masked bandit was a man."

I roll my eyes as I say, "That's very misogynistic of you master dwarf."

"I did not mean anything bad by it, I was just shocked that a woman could be capable of that, a human woman at that." As he says the words human I feel it hit me like a rock. The dwarves think I'm human. That was a hurdle I would have to come to later but I guess the sight of my shortened hair helped me with my lie.

"There are reasons we become the things we are." I say as I stare off ahead of us not wanting to see the curiosity in his icy blue eyes. I knew that he wanted to know more and I let out a sigh of relief as he decides against it. The two of use quickly make it to a nearby farm and after purchasing his entire stock walk back to the hobbit hole chatting just like old friends. It was nice to have someone to talk to again. I didn't know why but it was easy to talk to him.

After we get back and the dwarves quickly climb into their saddles we head out on our journey. Kili asked me why I wasn't riding a pony and I smile as I said, "I like to walk." A few minutes after we left Bilbo joins us. I smile as coin pouches go flying through the air. As the wind starts to blow I pull my hood over my head to conceal my ears as we quickly make our way through the countryside.


One night when we are camped near the edge of a cliff I find myself sitting on its edge looking out over the moonlight scenery. Most of the dwarves are asleep; Gandalf, Fili, and Kili are awake. I glance to the side to see Bilbo walk over to his pony and gives her an apple, after checking to see that no one is looking.

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