Chapter 17 ~ Dale

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"Wait! Please wait!" Bard yells as the two of us run toward where Thranduil had gone. When we arrive I scowl at Thranduil while Bard says, "You would go to war over a handful of gems?"

Thranduil stares forward not meeting our eyes as he says, "The heirlooms of my people are not likely forsaken."

"We are allies in this; my people also have a claim upon the riches of that mountain. Let me speak with Thorin." It isn't until Bard says Thorin's name does Thranduil turn toward us.

"You would try to reason with the dwarf?" He asks and I nod as Bard says, "To avoid war, yes."

"Then I am coming with you." I say as I interject into their conversation causing them both to stare at me. "If anyone can get Thorin to understand it's me."

Bard slowly turns toward me as he whispers, "I do not think this wise."

"Who knows him better than I? I have been with them for months; I can get him to understand." I could sense that Bard was not a hundred percent happy with my coming along but I was right. I could help.

"You will remain here Lady Melethril." Thranduil says and I narrow my eyes at him as I say, "My name is Randír, and I do not take orders from you." Turning back to Bard I could sense he was curios to our relationship but he just shakes his head as he says, "Come with me." I follow him over to a horse and after he climbs into the saddle I take his arm and pull myself up behind him. I glance over to see Thranduil looking at me with worry and sadness in this eyes but I just ignore him.

We ride through the city and the plain below until we come upon doors of Erebor. I look around Bard's shoulder and smile as I see Fili standing a few feet away from his uncle. "Hail Thorin son of Thrain, we are glad to find you alive beyond hope."

"Why do you come to the gates of the King under the mountain armed for war?" I hear Thorin call out and my heart clenches. There is something wrong; I can sense it in his voice.

"Why does the king under the mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hold." Bard calls out and I instantly have the urge to step in.

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed."

"My Lord we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Bard asks and I watch as Thorin nods. I smile as I climb down off the back of Bards horse and a familiar voice makes my heart flutter. "Randír?" I hear him say and I smile as I turn toward Fili who is staring at me in shock. "Randír," I hear Bard say and I reluctantly pull my eyes away from Fili and back to him and nod.

As we walk up to the barred gates I see a lone raven fly out of the mountain and head toward the east. When we reach the wall I see a hole in the center and follow closely behind Bard as he nears it. "I am listening." I hear Thorin say and I follow Bard's gaze through the hole to see Thorin standing on the other side not looking at us.

"On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives."

"I will not treat with any man, while an armed host lies before my door."

"That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms."

"Your threats do not sway me."

"What of your conscious? Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help and in return you offered them only death and ruin."

"When did the men of Laketown come to our aid in promised of wealth and gold?"

"A bargain was struck!"

"A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom. You call that a fair trade? Tell me Bard the Dragon-Slayer why should I offer such?"

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