Chapter 20 ~ Changing Fates

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I smile as I pull Ithildin up and follow suit as Thorin and his company along with the dwarves army starts attacking the Orcs. I smile as the dwarves find their second wind. I fight through Orcs until I make it to Fili's side. "What took you so long?" I joke as I quickly impale an approaching Orc. Fili smiles at me and we continue to kill the Orcs as we fight side by side.

"There's too many of these buggers, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan." Dain says and I turn toward Raven hill as Thorin says, "Aye, we're going to take out their leader."

My heart drops and instantly follow Fili over to a ram and say, "Fili, I'm going with you!"

He turns toward me with worry in his eyes and says, "No, you stay here."

I smirk as I say, "Are you going to stop me from going with you?" He shakes his head and I smile as I climb onto the Ram behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Lead on!" Dwalin yells out and I hold tight to Fili as Thorin, Dwalin, Kili, Fili, and I ride off towards Ravenhill. When we reach the top we start killing dwarves until not more are seen. We look around but a morning fog is shielding our eyes from the ruins.

"Where is he? It looks empty. I think Azog has fled." Fili says and my heart drops as I know he has not.

"I don't think so." Thorin says before he slowly turns back to us. "Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back, do not engage. Do you understand?"

They nod but I quickly interrupt as I say, "Wait!" They all slowly turn to me and I hide the emotions from my face as I say, "I will go,"

"No!" Fili says as he grabs my arm. "I won't let you!"

"I am lighter on my feet than you, I will be fine I promise." I say as give him a reassuring smile.

"Uncle you can't-" Fili starts but Thorin quickly interrupts him as he says, "If Randír says she can do it then I trust her." He slowly turns to me as he says, "Be safe." I give him a forced smile before I quickly bound off to the other side of the frozen river right as a hoard of Goblin mercenaries attack them. I let out a heavy sigh as I manage a quick glance back toward Fili. Tears threaten my eyes as I knew what was going to come next but I wasn't afraid. I would die so that the line of Durin would live on. "Amin mela lle." (I love you)

I slowly scout through the towers when I hear a noise. I glance around the corner and see the shadows of Orcs coming towards me and I turn to run the other way but see Orcs there as well. Suddenly I am overwhelmed. They grab me and I am instantly brought before Azog. "I remember you," He says as he lifts my face up to his. "Melethril daughter of the traitor Celebrimbor, You challenged me when I was going to kill the Halfling."

"And I would do it again!" I say through gritted teeth.

"You will make a good example." He says as he takes me by the back of the neck and drags me out onto a balcony. I look forward to see Thorin, Dwalin, Kili, Bilbo, and Fili staring up at me. Fili starts to rush towards them but Thorin quickly grabs his nephew and holds him back. "Randír!" Fili cries out and my heart clenches.

"Melethril, you cannot die. You have much more to do in this world."

"Ada?" I say as I frantically look around me.

"This one dies first. Then the brothers. Then you, Oakenshield; you will die last." Azog says and I feel fear fill my body.

"Now Melethril!" I hear my father's voice call out and I quickly jump up into the air catching Azog by surprise as I pull myself from his grasp and kicking him in the chest send him stumbling backwards as I fall over the edge of the balcony. As I fall I reach out and grab the closest thing to me which happens to be the side of the tower and smile as I draw Ithildin and slide down the rest of the way until I am safely on the ground.

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