Chapter 10 ~ Thranduil

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"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." The blonde elf says to Thorin and I narrow my eyes at him. The dwarves look around and see that we are completely surrounded and outnumbered by Mirkwood Elves, all with drawn bows aimed at us. "Help!" I hear Kili call out and start to run toward him only to be pushed back by a nearby Elf as Fili calls out for his brother. I watch as a spider is pulling Kili away by the foot.

Suddenly a female Elf, with auburn hair like mine runs through the forest. She kills three spiders with her bow and knife, then kills the spider pulling Kili with an arrow. She turns to attack another spider behind her, and yet another spider rushes toward Kili. "Throw me your dagger! Quick!" He calls out to her but she refuses, "If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" She kills her spider with her knife, then spins and throws the knife, killing the spider that was attacking Kili. Kili looks on in amazement.

I smile inwardly as I recognize his look, it was the same one his brother had given me. "Search them." The blonde elf says and I instantly grip tightly to Ithildin's hilt. The elves approach the dwarves and start searching them first. I watch as an elf confiscates two of Fili's knives; before the leader pulls a picture frame with two pictures out of Gloin's pocket, "Hey! Give it back! That's private!"

The blonde Elf looks at a picture of a dwarf and says, "Who is this? Your brother?"

"That is my wife!"

The Elf looks at the other picture, which is of a dwarf child, "And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?"

"That's my wee lad, Gimli." The Elf raises his eyebrow at Gloin in contempt. My gaze turns toward Fili once again as the elf searching him finds even more knives all around his person. Fili sighs when the elf finds even some in a secret hidden pocket. I feel someone grab Ithildin and I tense. "Adleg-ten." (Release it) I say with as much anger as I can muster. The elf stares at me in shock before turning to the blonde Elf. He walks up to me and as one of the other Elves holds me he pulls Ithildin from my grasp making me have a sudden panic attack.

My breathing starts to race as my body is instantly covered in a cold sweat. I move forward to lunge at him but feel a hand holding me back. I turn toward it to see Dwalin shaking his head silently telling me it's not worth it. "Gyrth in yngyl bain?" (Are the spiders dead) I hear the Blonde elf say to the Auburn haired female and I listen silently as they talk back and forth.

"Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn. Engain nar." (Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder.)

I look over to right as Fili opens his jacket to show the elf searching him that he has no knives left; however, the elf finds another one hidden in Fili's hood. An elf hands the blonde Elf Thorin's sword, Orcrist, and he inspects it. "Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh." (This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin.) "Where did you get this?" He says as he turns toward Thorin.

"It was given to me." The lead Elf points the sword at Thorin and says, "Not just a thief, but a liar as well."

I tense against the Elf still gripping tightly to my arm when the blonde Elf yells, "Enwenno hain!" (Take them!)

The elves begin to lead us away. As they begin to walk, Bofur turns and whispers to Thorin, "Thorin, where's Bilbo?" Thorin looks around, but sees no sign of Bilbo. We are led through the wood and over a bridge into the Woodland Realm. As we pass through the gates I feel myself pulling my arm out of the Elf's grasp and when he makes a move to recollect his grasp Dwalin places himself between the elf and me.

I let out a sigh of relief that they had yet to realize that I was in fact an elf. After pass through the gate, the blonde elf addresses the guards of the gate. "Holo in ennyn." (Close the gate.) As it starts to close I feel Bofur reach over and gently take my hand. My grip tightens on his as we are led through the raised wooden walkways of the Woodland Realm. The entire place is built out of tree roots in a subterranean cavern. Upon reaching the dungeons we are pushed, protesting, into several cells. "This is not the end of it! You hear me?" Dwalin yells out as he is tossed into a cell. The elf in charge of Fili finds another large dagger hidden in his coat, and Fili sighs in frustration. I am lucky enough to be placed in the same cell as Fili.

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