Chapter 4 ~ Rivendell

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I suddenly feel my body pulling me back toward the cave as Gandalf says, "The Valley of Imladris. In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name."

"Rivendell." Bilbo says amazement in his voice.

"Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea." Gandalf exclaims and Thorin chimes in, "This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy."

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself."

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me." As they walk forward I find myself frozen into place. I feel something touch my arm and look down to see Fili giving me a reassuring smile. I force a smile as I walk along beside them. We walk across a bridge and enter Rivendell. A few elves are seen strolling about. The dwarves and I look around uneasily. As a dark haired elf walks down a flight of stairs and greets us I pull my hood up over my head and avoid any looks.

"Mithrandir." The Elf says to Gandalf when he reaches us. "Ah, Lindir!" As Lindir and Gandalf greet each other, the dwarves murmur amongst themselves in distrust. Thorin whispers to Dwalin, "Stay sharp."

"Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen." ( We heard you had crossed into the Valley.) Lindir says to Gandalf and I bite my lip.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf replies as I try my best to hide amongst the Dwarves.

"My lord Elrond is not here."

"Not here? Where is he?"

Suddenly, the Elvish horns from earlier are heard again. The Company turns around and they see a group of armed horsemen approaching along the bridge at a rapid rate making Thorin yell out, "Ifridî bekâr! (Ready weapons!) Hold ranks!" The dwarves bunch up together into a tight circle with me hiding in the middle and their weapons pointed outward; The mounted Elves arrive and ride in circles around the dwarves. Eventually, they stop, and one elf, Elrond, separates himself from the others.

"Gandalf." Elrond says as he ride up to Gandalf who bows gracefully before saying, "Lord Elrond. Mellonnen! Mo evínedh?" (My friend! Where have you been?)

"Farannem 'lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na Iant Vedui." (We've been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass.) Elrond dismounts from his horse, then he and Gandalf hug. "Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something, or someone, has drawn them near." Elrond holds up an Orc sword and shows it to everyone, then hands it to Lindir. I avoid eyes as I keep mine on the ground in front of me. I had never wanted to be somewhere else more than I did now.

"Ah, that may have been us." Gandalf says as Thorin steps forward, and Elrond looks upon him with recognition as he says, "Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain." Thorin tilts his head as he says, "I do not believe we have met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the Mountain."

"Indeed; he made no mention of you." Ignoring this insult, Elrond turns to the dwarves and speaks in Elvish. "Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin." (Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests.) I understand but my companions not so much. "What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?" Gloin says as he holds his axe up by his face. The dwarves grow bellicose and grip their weapons uneasily. Gandalf speaks exasperatedly, "No, master Gloin, he's offering you food."

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