Chapter 16 ~ Frieda

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I follow her gaze to see a lone boat sailing toward the other side of the lake. My heart drops at the sight of my friends leaving me behind. I hear people start moving things behind me and I turn to see the People of Laketown packing whatever they can find. I follow closely behind Tauriel and the Blonde Elf until we reach the top of the hill and look out over the desolation. Suddenly Bard appears with a rick of wood and the Blonde elf says, "Where will you go?"

"There is only one place left," Bard says and I slowly turn toward the mountain.

A few moments later Bard walks past us and I hear the blonde Elf say, "News of the death of Smaug will have spread through the lands."


"Others will now look to the mountain for its wealth, and its position."

"What is it you know?"

"Nothing is certain, it's what I fear may come." I look to the mountain and fell my heart being pulled toward it. My friends, my family, they were in that mountain and I worried that they would fall victim to the dragon sickness. I see the blonde Elf and Tauriel start walking away and I have nothing else to do but follow them.

"You saw something out there." Tauriel says and I listen carefully as he replies, "The Orc I followed out of Lake Town, I know him. Bolg, the spawn of Azog the Defiler. A Warg pack was awaiting him on the outskirts of Esgaroth to the north. These Orcs were different; they bore a mark I have not seen in a long time. The mark of Gundabad."


"An Orc stronghold on the far north of the Misty Mountains," He says and before he is able to say anything else I hear someone speak in Elvish, "Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin 'winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na le." (My Lord Legolas... I bring word from your Father. You are to return to him immediately.)

I turn toward the voice to see a brunette elf sitting astride a grey mare. "Tolo, Tauriel!" Legolas says and I suddenly start to feel like I'm being left behind again.

"Hîr nín. Edlennen Tauriel." (My Lord, Tauriel is Banished.) I slowly turn to see sadness mixed with relief fill Tauriel's eyes.

"Edlennen?" (Banished?) Legolas says and I turn back to him as he continues in English, "You may tell my father, if there is no place for Tauriel; there is no place for me."

The sudden realization that he is Thranduil's son suddenly sinks in and my eyes widen. That's why he seemed so familiar. "Legolas, it is your king's command." I hear Tauriel whisper to him.

He slowly turns toward Tauriel as he says, "Naw aran nín, mal ú-gân innas nín." (Yes, he is my king... But he does not command my heart.)

I start to follow them when they walk away but the Elf on the horse says, "Hiril vuin Melethril," I pause and slowly turn toward him as he continues, "Taur amin Thranduil, merna lle an danwenidh ah amin." (My King Thranduil, wants you to return with me.) I pause for a moment and contemplate following him.

I look around at the people making their way toward the mountain and I let out a sigh. "Lle innas nara-Thranduil tanya manka e merna amin an danwenidh, e innas tol-a cova-nin e." (You will tell Thranduil that if he wants me to return, he will come and collect me himself.) I say as I slowly turn back to the Elf who nods and then turning his horse heads back off toward Mirkwood. I let out another sigh as I walk back to where Bard was helping people and say, "Can I offer you my help?" He turns to me for a moment before nodding.

I walk through the wreckage until I feel a familiar hand take mine making me turn toward them to see little Frieda smiling up at me. "Randír, are you here to help us?" She asks and I smile softly as I say, "Aye Lady Frieda, I am." I watch as she smiles even brighter before pulling me off toward where I saw her mother collecting what she could from the wreckage. "Mommy, Randír says she's here to help us!" Frieda calls out as she releases my hand and runs over to her mother. Frieda's mother was older woman with a worn face; her golden hair had streaks of grey in it and her eyes were a deep brown.

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