Chapter Twenty-Three

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Present Day

"I thought you said he knew about me?" Leona questioned as we drove through the gates to Hogsmeade, we lived just on the borders so driving was feasible.

"He does and he doesn't. Dumbledore has a charm on his memory for now." I explained briefly. I didn't really understand how it worked. "But it no longer matters. As soon as he sees you the charm will be broken and he will know exactly who you are."

"You're going to be a nurse there again aren't you." Leona stated, she already knew the answer but I still nodded. I pulled my car into a parking space by the train station, I would leave it here until I knew what to do with it.

"Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." I smiled as I unfolded my tired body from the car and waited for Leona to do the same. Once the car was locked up we headed towards the three broomsticks.

"Erin!" A voice cried as soon as I entered, the voice was followed by arms as she crushed me in a hug.

"Minnie, it's great to see you again. It's been too long." I smiled at the now elderly witch. Minerva had aged a lot since the last time I saw her. Her once dark hair was now a dark grey and there were wrinkles and stress lines etched into her face. "Leona this is Minerva McGonagall, she's the transfiguration teacher at hogwarts and the head of the Gryffindor house." I introduced.

"Oh what a beautiful young witch you've grown into. The last time I saw you, you were five." Minerva smiled at my daughter who blushed slightly. "You look like the perfect mixture of both your father and mother." She smiled as she led us to a table in the corner.

"Is Sev suspicious at all?" I questioned.

"He is a bit, but that is to be expected. Everyone is so excited to see you again, most of us are still there. He hears us all talking and then when he approaches we all fall silent, it is very amusing." Minerva chuckled. I could just picture the rage on his face when everyone refuses to tell him what's going on. "Do you know what house you are in Leona?" Minerva asked, turning her attention to my daughter.

"Um no, I don't." She said looking up at me. We both knew that she wanted to be in slytherin, to make her father proud, but neither of us were going to mention that to the head of the rival house.

"We're meeting with Dumbledore before the feast and the sorting ceremony to find out." I smiled.

"Ah, well in that case I better let you two get on your way. The train will be arriving soon and I don't want either of you two to be late. I'll save a seat for you at the staff table Erin." She smiled as we got up to leave. I gave her one last hug before we started the trek up the hill to the castle.

I smiled at Leona's sharp intake of breath as she caught her first glimpse of Hogwarts, it was truly magical. We were stopped at the gate by none other than Poppy Pomfrey .

"Name?" She questioned without even looking up from her clipboard. Ever efficient that woman.

"Erin Hanley." I smiled as I waited for the name to click in her head, had it really been that long? I had been working side by side with her for a few years afterall. I wasn't disappointed when she finally registered me.

"Erin!" She cried as she threw the clipboard down and pulled me into a tight hug. "My you haven't aged at all." She smiled, tears threatening to escape from her eyes. She turned her head to get a good luck at me, then she caught sight of Leona. Her mouth opened in shock.

"Leona Snape should be on the list as well." I smiled as I put my hand on Leona's shoulder. Poppy's eyes widened as she realised who she was, but that was nothing in comparison to her grin.

"My is Severus going to be shocked when he sees you." She chuckled as she checked us off on her list. "Luckily for you he hasn't arrived yet. In you go dears." She smiled and turned to watch us walk up the hill.

"Why is everyone so happy to see you?" Leona questioned, clearly she thought that they were overreacting.

"I disappeared without a trace Leona. I didn't tell anyone that I was leaving, even though I consider most of them good friends." I explained as I pushed open the heavy entrance door to be greeted by Albus.

"What a great day it is that I welcome back the most beautiful nurse this school has ever seen." Dumbledore smiled at me as he wrapped me in a hug. "Don't tell Poppy I said that." He whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry Albus, I won't." I smiled at the old man. "And this is my daughter Leona." I said pushing my her forward slightly.

"Ah yes, I never thought that I would live to see Severus' heir pass through these halls. But again I have been proven wrong." He smiled as he shook her hand. Leona shot me a look that clearly said that she found Dumbledore odd. "Shall we head on up to my office then?" He asked. Nodding, we followed after him.

Dumbledore's office hadn't changed much since the last time I stepped foot into it. It was still as dark and mystical as ever with the same snoring past headmasters on his wall. His large wooden desk was sat in the middle of his room. His bird stand, where Fawkes the phoenix was usually perched, was eerily empty.

"What happened to Fawkes?" I asked confused. Phoenixes were known to live incredibly long lives so I refused to believe that he had died.

"He is taking a... vacation we will call it." Dumbledore smiled as he pulled down the dusty, frayed hat that had sat upon every wizards head that had passed through Hogwarts. "Now then Leona, shall we get started?" He questioned before he placed the sorting hat on her head.

The hat slowly came to life, waking up from its year long slumber. I watched in amazement as it twitched and squirmed as it rifled through Leona's mind, searching for her characteristics that defined who she was.

"Slytherin." It finally spoke. This caused my once solemn daughters face to light up in glee.

"Your father will be most pleased." Dumbledore nodded. "You clearly are an ambitious, cunningly bright girl. But please a word of warning, do not let your thirst for power override the qualities that could have easily made you a Gryffindor." Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkled knowingly over his half moon spectacles. "Why don't you go on down to the Hall and join your new house. Your mother and I will be there shortly." Dumbledore explained.

"Mum?" Leona asked confused. "I'll see you later..." She said hesitantly, deciding that her question would be best left till later. Once the door had closed softly behind her, Dumbledore turned to me.

"You have raised a fine young witch Erin. I see so much of you and Severus in her, she will succeed here." He smiled at me. Before his eyes turned mischievous. "Why don't you change into your work attire and let's see what kind of a welcome you get." I only grinned at him, I had been waiting for this moment for years.


As I walked in between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables in the Great Hall, I felt every eye on me. Most had no idea who I was, but those who did welcomed me with smiles. I scanned the staff table looking for those onyx eyes that I had missed all these years.

As I searched for him, I found Pomona Sprout, who smiled at me like she did all them years ago. Sybill Trelawney was who I saw next, her eyes enlarged by her thick glasses and her hair all over the place. Minerva smiled encouragingly at me as I continued my way to the table. And there, in the seat next to the one that was reserved for me, there he was.

His hair was still as dark, but longer. His nose and mouth were exactly the same. And although he had aged, to me he was as handsome as he had ever been. His face showed signs of shock and disbelief. He looked from Dumbledore and me as though this were a joke. Only when I took my place on his left did I speak.

"Hello Severus." 

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