Chapter Six

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It was early into the morning when Severus decided to stagger back to his own chambers, taking the bottle of scotch with him claiming that he would need it when he’s marking the first year’s papers. Drowsily I climbed into bed eager to start work tomorrow.

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I awoke the next morning with a heavy head and a smile upon my face, I dressed in the white nurses gear that Poppy gave me the previous day. It was basic, yet close fitting so not to get in the way of cuts like a normal robe would. It was similar to that, which a muggle nurse would wear. After I’d donned a simple black robe, which tied across my shoulders and twisted my hair up into a simple bun, pinning back any flyaway hairs. I exited my quarters and ascended the stairs to the Great Hall in search of some food. As I turned round the corner I bumped into a figure going the other way.

“Oomph.” I said as I fell to the floor landing harshly on my rear end. The wall of muscle didn’t even move an inch. I peered up at whoever the culprit was. “Professor Snape, I’m terribly sorry.” I said as he helped me up, his pale hand helping me.

“Hmm it seems that I was rounding the corner rather quickly. Making this more my fault than yours.” He said, his lips tight in a frown. “I hope you didn’t come to any harm?” He asked.

“No, no. I am completely fine, the only thing that’s bruised is my ego.” I said laughing. “Anyway…” I said waving my arm in the direction of the Great Hall.

“Right yes, I’m keeping you from your breakfast. Please go ahead.” He said as he stepped aside allowing me to pass. Once I had passed him I felt his eyes on my back for a few minutes until I heard him stride away, his long black cloak swishing against his black boots and the floor.

I, myself, walked quickly and confidently towards the Staff table at the head of the hall. The few people that were in the hall turned to look at me, a few turned away after they saw that it wasn’t one of their friends, yet… so many continued to stare at me. The majority, that I was now aware of thanks to Severus, were males.

“Morning Minerva.” I said cheerily as I sat down next to her, she smiled sweetly at me before speaking.

“My dear… you do seem to have a knack to making an entrance, and what a dress.” She said looking at me her eyebrow raised.

“Minerva don’t be silly, it’s nearly the exact same dress that Poppy is wearing.” I said as I gestured to the matron who was sat on my other side.

“Yes but I don’t pull it off nearly as well as you do. I expect that there will be a lot of males hanging about around the infirmary today.” She said smiling at me.

“Oh I’m sorry Poppy. I hope it’s not going to be like this all the time. Don’t worry I will ask Severus for lessons in how to be menacing and intimidating.” I said smiling jokingly.

“Oh I’m sure he would love that. Especially if you went to him dressed like that.” Minerva said giggling. The sound coming out so strangely and unexpectedly from this woman who looked so professional and stern. After that we traded light chitchat about the upcoming day. According to Poppy I was to oversee her this morning to see how she handled things before I was expected to go it alone in the afternoon. “We best start herding these students up, they have classes to get to in ten minutes. Erin why don’t you handle the Slytherin table since you are their new assistant housemistress. It will give you an opportunity to assess their characters.” She said smiling slightly before she headed towards the Gryffindor table.

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