Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Erin..." He stuttered as he looked at me in amazement. I could hear the students whispering. Obviously no one had ever seen Professor Snape, the heartless potions professor, so shook up like this before. "Is it truly you?"

"It's me Severus." I smiled. "I've returned." I said simply as I placed my hand over his, that was clenched atop the wooden table, trying to give him some reassurance that I was real. He just looked at my hand on top of his.

"Before we begin the sorting ceremony and the feast, I have an unusual announcement to make." Dumbledore's voice echoed around the room, silencing the whispers. "This year it gives me great pleasure to welcome back an old member of staff, although I'm sure you will all agree with me she doesn't look a day over twenty five! Miss Erin Hanley will be rejoining the medical team in the infirmary." He announced, to which I nodded. The hall burst into applause. "I would also like to introduce a transfer student from Beauxbatons Academy. Miss Leona Snape will be entering her sixth year as a Slytherin and I want you all to make her feel welcomed." With that the hall burst into loud chatter as my eyes instantly found Leona's.

"I... She has my name. My daughter?" Severus asked as he too scanned the Slytherin table for her face. I knew the instant he found her because his eye's widened in realisation and recognition (how could he not recognise her, after all she did look exactly like him) before they narrowed at me and then at Dumbledore. He snatched his hand away from me. "Erin... why didn't you tell me about her when you left?" He asked me, his voice showed the hurt I had caused, but his eyes stayed cold. His fist slammed on the table in annoyance. "Dumbledore put you up to it." He stated.

"Quiet!" Dumbledore bellowed. "Let the sorting begin." He said calmly as the large double doors opened and Filch led the new first years into the hall. He led them up to the front where Minerva was waiting with a scroll of names. As she initiated the sorting my eyes scanned the sea of students, until they settled on one person in particular. A sixteen year old wizard with a lightning bolt scar.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. He was the phenomenon that was the undoing of the dark lord all them years ago, however it was revealed that it wasn't a permanent solution. I knew who he was instantly, not by the scar, the glasses or the unruly hair but by his eyes. After listening to Severus talk about Lily, I knew that the thing he loved the most about her was her emerald eyes. It must kill him to look into the eyes of someone else's son and only see his lost love.

"We need to talk." Severus said after the sorting ceremony had finished and the food was served. "In private." He emphasised. "Come to my office after dinner, and we can discuss things thoroughly."

"Of course Severus, I presume it is in the same place? There are a few things that I need to go over with Dumbledore and Poppy before I speak with you though." I explained as I stabbed a carrot. I was already beginning to regret this decision.

Dinner was a quiet affair at the staff table. Neither Severus or I spoke another word to each other, or anyone else for that matter. So when dinner was finally over I couldn't wait to leave. Unfortunately I couldn't just yet. I smiled in encouragement at Leona as I watched her talk to a white blonde haired boy who led her to the Slytherin common room.

As soon as all the students had left, I moved to talk to Dumbledore and Poppy about what my schedule would be this year and where my living quarters were. It seemed that I would be taking on more responsibilities than I had previously, which meant I was going to be living down the corridor from the hospital wing. Apparently Poppy was gearing up for retirement. Once all the business was sorted I dreaded my next task. My talk with Severus. I was preparing myself for the worst.

I dragged my feet as I walked as slowly as I possibly could down to the cold dungeons. The dungeons looked exactly the same. The same dark stone walls and cold slate flooring. Some things just don't change.

I came to a stop outside the office I knew very well. I raised my fist and knocked harshly on the door, my heart was in my throat. I was so incredibly nervous. Despite his attitude I was still in love with Severus and I think I always will be, no matter what he does or how he reacts.

He pulled the door open and grabbed my arm to pull me into the room, the door slammed behind me. When he turned to look at me, his eyes were all red and bloodshot. Severus Snape had been crying.

"Why didn't you tell me we had a daughter together?" He sobbed. I wanted so badly to go and comfort him but I wasn't sure if he would push me away and my heart just couldn't handle that.

"Severus I wanted to tell you, I truly did. It was difficult, keeping it to myself for all these years. I must have started a thousand letters. But..." I started before he interrupted me. He always used to do that.

"But what Erin? You didn't think that I would make a good father? Is that why you kept her from me?" He asked, I could feel the the sadness that poured out of him, it hit me full force like a tsunami.

"Severus please don't be like that... I thought it was what was the best thing for you. You were... no still are, in love with Lily and that tore me apart inside." I screeched, finally letting the frustration out that I had locked away for years and years.

"That still doesn't excuse what you did Erin." He snapped back as he paced his office until he decided that pacing wasn't enough for him anymore and he hit out at his bookcase. This large ornate bookcase that looked at least fifty years old was now shattered on the floor. Thousands of books full of potions with broken spines were strewn all over his floor. Some things will never change and it was clear to me that Severus' temper was one of them.

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