Chapter Thirteen

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Minerva turned to me, almost excitedly. “When did this happen?” She asked, a grin from ear to ear on her face as she indicated between Severus and I. I should have known really that she would have been the first person to question us.

“Some while, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Minerva, but I thought… well actually Severus thought that you might think it unprofessional. And you know what Severus is like, he’s terribly private.” I said, which was nothing but the truth really.

“Oh no dear, I would never frown upon this. I’m just so happy for you and Severus, it’s about time he found someone. And if I must say, you two are perfect for each other.” She said smiling at me. I turned my head slightly and looked at Severus out of the corner of my eye.

“Thank you for understanding Minerva.” I said as I patted her hand that was resting on top of the table before I began filling up my plate with the wonderful delicacies that the house elves had prepared.

After the feast had finished, the staffs were all directed to head down to the Trophy Room for some evening drinks. I, as all of them would have expected, decided to stick close to Severus. We were all huddled in there talking amatively about how it would only feel like a short time till Christmas, and what each other wanted as gifts.

“Oh, I think I would like some more muggle books to read. They really are fascinating. I read one recently about how they think that vampires sparkle in the sunlight. How hilarious is that?” Minerva said, I just laughed along with her at the impossibility of that even being feasible.

“I think I’ve heard of that, isn’t it called… umm Twilight or something?” Pomona said, looking thoughtful. I drifted out of the conversation as they continued to talk about books. My attention was somewhere else. Severus was currently speaking to Albus, and by the uncomfortable look on his face it was about me or at least our relationship.

“Please excuse me.” I said to the women as I walked across the room. I could see Sybill in a corner mumbling into her cup. “Hey.” I said to Severus as I touched the top of his back, alerting him of my presence.

“Ah Miss Hanley, your ears must have been burning.” Albus said, his eyes twinkling with mirth, confirming my suspicions that they were indeed talking about me.

“Severus, you haven’t been indulging him in the particulars of our relationship have you?” I asked cheekily, turning to Severus. He shot me a smug look, but decided to say nothing. “I assure you Albus, whatever he has been telling you it isn’t true.” I said, causing the old man to bark out laughter.

“I assure you Miss Hanley, Severus only spoke of you highly. Which is what I would expect of him, especially when talking about a woman such as yourself.” He said, chuckling slightly. “Now, I think I will leave you two be.”

I turned to look at him, smiling up at him in a way that I hoped looked like love. The sudden departure of Albus left both Severus and I with nothing to say, not sure whether we should continue with the façade since no one was watching, or listening in on what we were saying.

“Do you want to leave?” Severus asked me suddenly. “We could discuss this further over drinks in my chambers.” He offered kindly, holding his arm out for me to take.

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