Chapter Five

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The roar in the Great Hall was deafening, so many children speaking over the top of one another. I don’t know whether I would ever get used to this volume of noise. However as soon as Albus stood, everyone was silent. This man was so great with power that even the first year students recognised it.

“Now that we have all been satisfied with food, I suggest that the prefects show the first years to their houses and their dormitories. Tomorrow morning lessons will commence as usual, anyone who is suddenly feeing ill, I advise you all to see either Madame Pomfrey or Miss Hanley. I bid you all good night.” Dumbledore said before he returned back to his seat. I watched in amazement as the sea of students rushed the door, nearly knocking for Argus off of his feet. Eight prefects stood, taller than the rest as they shepherded their first years to their respective households.

“Erin, come. We must welcome the students back to the house of Slytherin. I will introduce you to the prefects, they are the ones to go to if you need help handling the trouble makers.” Snape said lowly in my ear as he placed a warm, pale hand on the top of my shoulder.

“Yes of course. Goodnight Minerva, Albus, Poppy I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning.” I said smiling at the three members of staff that paid notice of my leave. “So Severus, are there many troublemakers in the house of Slytherin?” I asked curiously.

“Naturally… however luckily for us they take their mischief and bestow it upon the other houses, we only have to punish them when they get caught.” Severus said as he led me down the staircases to the dungeons. “You haven’t seen the common room yet have you?” He asked as he led me through the dark tunnels like a pro.

“No I haven’t.” I said as we came to a stop at a large emerald fire.

“Pure-blood” Severus said to the fire, causing it to distinguish and drop the veil of stone. “After you.” Severus said as he guided me through the space, his hand on my lower back for comfort and security. As I stepped through to the other side I was greeted by curious faces looking at me from black leather sofas, leather armchairs, some were even sat on dark wood tables and even on the emerald green rugs. “Welcome everyone, I want you all to treat the Slytherin common room as your home for this following year. However, that being said I demand respect from you all, respect for this space, respect for Miss Hanley and myself and most importantly respect for each other. I will not have a Slytherin on Slytherin combat.” He said looking at all of them sternly. “Erin would you like to say a few words?” He asked quietly into my ear.

“Yes, thank you Professor Snape.” I said smiling at him slightly. “Hello everyone, I want to wish you all the best for this upcoming year. And I also want to you to know that you can come to me with any problems that you may have, I will never be judgemental, nor will I ever speak about or act upon the things that you tell me, unless I deem it dangerous for others not to know. I want you all to think of me as someone you can trust, can find comfort in and most importantly respect.” I said smiling kindly at the faces that looked at me with great interest. Once I had stepped back they started clapping and applauding me, which I received very warmly.

“Settle down, settle down.” Severus said. “I would like you all to go to bed now, all except Brunt and Meakin.” Severus said, everyone except two students, one girl and one boy, scattered. The girls going up a flight of stairs to their dormitories and the boys going down a flight of stairs. “Miss Hanley, this is Felix Brunt and Serafina Meakin. Felix is incredibly outstanding in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Charms, whilst Serafina excels in Transfiguration, Herbiology and of course Potions. Both are exceptional students.” Severus said, introducing them both in turn.

“Pleasure to meet you.” I said smiling at them. “I never managed to truly grasp Charms or Transfiguration so I am incredibly impressed with how you two have excelled. Professor Snape has also informed me that you are both Quidditch stars and plan on seeing Slytherin propel to hoist the cup. That is no easy feat, especially for you Brunt as captain, managing practices and also staying on top of your schoolwork. I am envious of your skills.” I said laughing slightly.

“I heard that Professor Snape was quite handy on a broom once, perhaps he can teach you a few things.” Meakin suggested.

“Thank you Serafina, however my time is my own to offer up not yours. Now off to bed you two, I expect you two to awake the first years at seven tomorrow morning for breakfast.” Severus said before they both separated and went their separate ways.

“They seem very intelligent. Are you sure they’re not Ravenclaw students?” I asked Severus as we left the common room and went towards our own chambers.

“Oh I am quite certain that they are Slytherins through and through.” Severus laughed as he went to enter his chambers.

“Umm Severus, would you… would you like to come in for a night cap?” I asked, hesitant for what the answer might be. Seeing that he was about to refuse I quickly got my proposition in. “I have some lovely scotch that has your name on it, come on Severus it’s crying out to be drank.” I said dramatically.

“Well in that case, who am I to refuse, and especially from such an… attractive woman.” He said bowing his head slightly.

“Don’t be silly.” I said as I let myself and him into my chambers.

“I’m not, I speak only the truth, you must have seen the looks, heard the murmurs of all the boys, not only the Slytherins. I fear that some of the male staff might be after your heart. Myself included.” He said speaking honestly.

“Severus, your boldness astounds me. I would never have thought that you would speak like this.”

“Just being honest I’m afraid. Now where is that scotch?” He asked me.

“On the mantle top.” I said pointing to where it stood next to the one and only family picture I had before my mother died.

“Your parents, you have such a likeness to both of them.” He said as he took the glass from my hand and poured himself a measure of scotch.

“I guess, what about you? What is your family like?” I asked, interested in what it must have been like for him growing up.

“My mother Eileen is a witch from a long line of magical blood, and my father was a muggle. Tobias was his name. I dare say that I don’t speak to either of them anymore.” He said slightly ashamed by that fact.

“So you’re a half-blood, yet ironically the password for your house is Pure-blood.” I said.

“Yes, very ironic.” He said tipping his glass in my direction before he drained it of its contents.

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