Chapter One

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---------- Twenty years earlier ------------

“Erin, you need to get out of this house and experience the world.” My father told me one morning as we sat down for breakfast. My father, Barnabus Hanley, was a leading journalist for the daily prophet and was always away on exotic trips, experiencing the world and all it’s wonders. “An old friend of mine who works at Hogwarts says that there's a position opening up this September for an assistant nurse in the infirmary, you’re interested in healing right?” He said as he scoffed down his eggs.

“Yes father, I find it fascinating.” I said honestly.

“Well... I took the liberty of filling out the application form for you, all you need to do is sign the bottom line. If you want, I’ll send it from work, special delivery, so that it’ll get there faster.” He said as he drank his coffee messily, nearly spilling it all down his front.

“Pass me the form.” I said anxiously, I was looking forward to stepping up in my life and progressing towards a future that I could enjoy. “Here you go father, all completed, have a good day at work.” I said as I kissed his cheek at the door and handed him the forms for my, hopefully, new job.

“I will do sweetie, what are you going to do all day? Read at a guess.” He laughed as he grabbed his travelling cloak.

“Oh you know me so well.” I said as I watched him laugh until he was off of our land and then he apparated into work. I settled down with my book, ‘A History of Hogwarts’. Since I never attended there, thanks to my mother who insisted on home schooling me, I thought it best that I read up on the school. The day seemed to vanish as I ploughed through the chapters. Before I knew it, it was lunchtime and my stomach began to rumble. I decided that it was indeed time for lunch. So as I sat down to eat the food that I had quickly prepared an owl came flying through the window carrying a white envelope trimmed with red in its beak. I quickly took the letter before the bird flew back out of the window. I quickly tore open the envelope, anxious to read what it concealed.

            Dear Miss Erin Hanley,

Thank you for your interest in the nursing position; it has been very well received. I was very impressed with all of your success that you have had whilst at school and with finishing your studies. I would very much like it if you could meet with me late this afternoon at the Leaky Cauldron in London so that we might discuss possible employment. I will be there from 4 onwards.

                                    It would be marvellous to see you,

                                                Yours sincerely                    

                                    Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore

(Headmaster of Hogwarts School, Oder of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

I couldn’t believe it. I had seriously lucked out and it was all thanks to my wonderful father, that, the best wizard known to this world would hopefully employ me. Looking at the clock I realised that I only had twenty minutes before I had to go and meet with the credited wizard.  I quickly finished all of my food and grabbed my travelling cloak before I apparated to Diagon Alley.

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