Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hey guys!

I'm so sorry that it's been so long and that this chapter is so short but this is just a filler chapter for me to try and get this story back on the tracks that I want it to be! Hope you all like it!

Sophie xox


"I know it doesn't excuse what I did but Severus I love you and knowing that you love a dead woman more than me tore me up inside." I snapped back as I bent down and started clearing up the books that had been scattered.

"When did you know?" He questioned me. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"The night Lilly died." I muttered. "You were so distraught, I couldn't bring myself to tell you. And then when Dumbledore suggested that I leave I couldn't see any other way. I agreed with him, and left the week later." I looked up at Severus' face and I could see that he was hurting. And I knew he could see that I was hurting too.

"I... I don't know what to say." He muttered before he slumped into the same old armchair that was here so many years ago.

"I missed you, all those years not being able to see you. It hurt." I sighed as I looked at him with sad eyes. I could see his anger diminishing, slowly fading away into the background.

"I missed you too." He stated simply. "I can't believe that you're actually here, you're real." He murmured as he pushed himself closer to me on the edge of his seat. His hand outstretched to run a finger down my cheek, chasing the tears away. "So beautiful." He whispered. Without a second thought, I pushed myself forward to press a soft kiss to his lips. Well it was supposed to be a soft peck, but he turned it into a hard and demanding one. I could feel that he was getting all of his anger out in this kiss. And boy, I wasn't complaining. "Don't you dare leave me again." He demanded in between kisses. And you know how it goes, one thing leads to another and that's how I found myself spread on the emerald sheets once more.

A few hours went by after that of Severus and I just chatting about what our lives have been like since we last saw each other. I learnt that Voldemort still believed that Severus was on his side but that he was becoming much stronger and Severus learnt about his daughter's likes and dislikes.

"She's so much like you, you wouldn't believe. God knows she has your temper." I smiled at him as I played with the disgusting dark mark on his forearm.

"She clearly doesn't have my nose, thank god." He smiled. Boy had I missed his smile. Even though it never happened very often it was a sight I never forgot. "The Dark Lord never stopped searching for you you know. The mythical shape shifter that could possess another's soul." Severus smirked as he hovered above me.

"I did well in avoiding him then. Leona has it, she has the same power." I stated. I saw shock register on his face before he smiled.

"Have dinner with me tomorrow, well I guess later today? You, me and Leona. It's about time I got to know my daughter."

"I'm sure she'd love to, I'll tell her today." I smiled.

Once the sun came up and it was time for breakfast, Severus and I went our separate ways. I headed to the infirmary to get changed whilst he headed to the great hall. I hoped that I would have a chance to talk to our daughter about everything before dinner tonight but when I heard the chatter in the hallways I knew that wasn't going to be the case.

And so another year at Hogwarts began, although I have a feeling that it's going to be a lot more dramatic than the previous years that I had experienced here at Hogwarts.

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