Chapter Two

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“Erin are you sure you’ve got everything? I don’t want to have to be mailing you stuff.” My father said as he helped me load the majority of my possessions into the chauffeured car, which arrived only moments before.

“Yes, I have everything that I need. Now, will you please stop worrying? I will be fine.” I said, trying to reassure him. I suppose it must be strange for him, not once in my twenty-one years on this earth has been spent away from him. Being home schooled had its downfalls I guess.

“I know you will be, it’s just that you’re my baby girl. What am I going to do without you? I’ll be all alone in this house.” He said, nearly on the brink of tears.

“Well you could start dating again, it’s been years since mum died.” I said honestly. Hating the sadness and grief that pooled in his eyes. He quickly pulled me into a tight hug, one that I wouldn’t be getting from him for a long time.

“Ma’am, it’s time to go.” The chauffeur said, interrupting our father/daughter moment.

“Right yes.” I said, wiping my, now wet with tears, cheeks before I hugged my dad one last time before I climbed into the car. The tinted windows obscured my view as we drove incredibly quickly out of the boarders of England and into the Scottish countryside. I suppose in a bewitched car, a drive that would normally take hours, sometimes even days, takes only a few moments. All in all the entire journey from my house in Canterbury took quite a few hours, as it was now early evening.

Arriving at the castle couldn’t have been less spectacular. It was tipping it down with rain, which hammered on the car windows making the near impossible thing of being able to see even worse. Once the car had firmly come to a stop I was hustled inside, whilst being reassured that my luggage will make it to my room, dry and intact. But once I did have a minute to catch my breath and look at the surroundings I was given a feeling of what it must feel like to be arriving as a first year student.

“Ah you must be Miss Erin Hanley. I’m Minerva McGonagall, deputy head and head of Gryffindor house and I teach Transfiguration here at Hogwarts. We’ve been expecting you, we’re just waiting for a few more members of staff to arrive and then we can have dinner. You must be starving though.” She said kindly, her green eyes twinkling.

Minerva was a very tall woman, much taller than myself. Her hair, which was slightly showing beneath her hat, was very dark like my own. She gave off this air of power and sternness and I knew that she was no woman to be messed with, yet I followed her through some large, wooden doors, which led to a magnificent hall. In this hall were four long tables parallel from each other and at their heads sat another long table, looking out over the other four tables. One of the four tables was set up marvellously for dinner.

“The pre-dinner drinks are being held in the trophy room this evening.” Minerva said as she glided gracefully past all of the tables, and through a smaller door that I seemed to have overlooked. “Let me introduce you to a few people. This is Pomona Sprout, whom I have known since my own days at Hogwarts.”

“Hello.” I said shaking her hand tightly.

“Oh no need to be nervous, not many of us bites.” Pomona laughed. In comparison to Minerva she was very short, with frizzy, wild grey hair. Her clothes looked like they were permanently soiled with dirt. “What department are you joining my dear?” She asked, a wide smile on her face.

“The infirmary, I’m the new assistant nurse. And you which department do you work in?”

“I’m the Herbology teacher, and I’m head of Hufflepuff house. I suppose we will be seeing quite a bit of each other. Have you met Poppy Pomfrey yet? She’s the Matron.” Pomona said as she guided me towards another tall lady.

“Sorry I’m late Minerva.” A deep, voice that seemed familiar to me. Yet I was sure I hadn’t met the person, still the curiosity got the better of me causing me to turn around. “You.” He snarled, looking at me distastefully.

“Severus, this is Erin Hanley, she’s the new assistant nurse.” Minerva said, standing next to Severus.

“It’s nice to officially make your acquaintance.” I said holding my hand out, expecting it to be shaken. Yet no pale hand reached out to grasp my own, he just looked at it and stormed off to stand in the corner.

“Don’t mind him pet.” Pomona said, putting a caring, motherly hand on my shoulder. “That’s Severus Snape, he’s the potions master here. Unfortunately for you my dear, you will need to see him quite often.” She said as she guided me away to talk to the lady who I would be working closely with. I had been introduced to nearly everyone when Albus came into the room to announce that dinner was ready to be served. Luckily there were seating arrangements for us all, so that there wasn’t any scrambling for seats. I was seated in-between Poppy and Minerva; unfortunately Severus Snape was sat opposite me. He didn’t even attempt to make conversation with anyone. So obviously he was incredibly shocked when I started talking to him.

“Listen, I apologise for the other day, it was very rude of me. It’s just that I’ve never seen a man quite like you.” I said blushing slightly. “I guess I was hoping, that since we are going to be working together, that we could put it all behind us and start afresh.” I suggested.

“I suppose that would be in everyone’s best interests.” He drawled, sounding like he didn’t really care.

“Perfect, well I’m Erin.” I said holding my hand out to him once more. Luckily for me I was spared the embarrassment this time, as he grasped mine. His pale hands were surprisingly warm.

“Severus Snape.” He said simply.

“Sorry to interrupt, however since we are down an assistant housemistress I would like to take this opportunity to appoint Erin to fill this role. Erin you will be given quarters in both the infirmary and the Slytherin house. I suggest that when you’re not working nights that you stay in your Slytherin quarters. Severus will show you to your new sleeping arrangements after desert.” Dumbledore said just as the tarts, pies and ice creams arrived.

“Are you ready to go Miss Hanley?” Severus asked me as I finished my desert.

“Yes of course, I will see you tomorrow Poppy, good night everyone.” I said as I stood up, being carful when I stepped over the bench. I followed Severus silently, down flights of stairs that were moving once in a while.

“You don’t get cold easily do you? It’s just that the dungeons are very cold.” Severus said as we walked down the dim stairs towards the dungeon.

“No, I’m generally pretty warm.” I said.

“Hmm I see. Well here you are my quarters are right next door you have to have a password set in order to get into your room. Dumbledore has set yours to Peace, as it is the meaning of your name. To get in you need to tap your door with your wand three times and say your password. The password and the core in your wand is linked, you will also be able to know who is knocking on your door due to this. Mine is Lilly, in case you ever need to talk to me urgently.” He said before walking away from me to his own room next door.

“Good night Severus.” I said to him as he opened his door.

“Yes, ugh good night.”

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