Chapter Three

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The next morning I woke rather early and decided to unpack a few of my belongings, which I hadn’t bothered to do last night. I started stacking the books in alphabetical order so that they would be easier to find if I ever needed a specific one. To say that these quarters were in the dungeons, I found them rather homely. Maybe that was because of the large hearth with an emerald green fire burning at the side. The quarters extended on past the bedroom, it included a living area with a few soft sofas attached to this was a small kitchenette. There was a work desk out at the front near the entrance so that students didn’t have to enter the main chambers. Once I’d finished unpacking I decided, or more importantly my stomach decided, that it was time for breakfast. However, I had no idea how to get to the Great Hall. So I was stuck with only one solution… asking Severus. Entering my chambers, the dungeon corridor felt so much cooler, I tapped on his door with my wand three times and said Lilly.

“What do you want?” Came a growl from the other side of the door, before it swung open to reveal an angry looking Severus, dressed in only black flannel pyjama bottoms.

“I umm don’t know my way around the castle and I would like to go and get something to eat.” I explained, blushing slightly. Severus was the first man that I saw this close to naked. He just sighed before allowing me to go past him.

“Wait here whilst I get changed.” He said, as though he was talking to a naughty school kid. Whilst I sat in his living area, I truly got a sense of the person he was. Lonely, sad and intelligent, very intelligent. His walls were decorated from floor to ceiling with books. And I thought I had a lot of books! He had so many books that there were piles of them stacked up on the floor, circling around an old armchair, which he clearly used to read in. When Severus came out of his bedroom I caught a quick glimpse, unfortunately I could only see emerald green sheets.

“Ready to go?” I asked, smiling hesitantly.

“I guess…” He said, still sneering. As we were walking through the abandoned corridors I started to wonder what else was behind this recluse image that was a man. “Are you prepared for the children who will undoubtedly be running through these corridors tomorrow?” Severus asked.

“I think so, I’m kind of excited really. I love kids.” I admitted, beaming up at him.

“How… delightful.”

“Don’t you like children?” I asked, slightly shocked.


“But why not? I mean you’re a teacher. Why become a teacher if you hate children?” I questioned.

“Because I’ve realised that I will never have any, nor would I want any. Especially not with the likes of you.” He said harshly, before striding away.

“Well that was incredibly rude!” I yelled at his retreating back.

“What has Severus done now?” A voice said startling me. “Sorry dear, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“That’s alright Poppy, and he was just saying about how he hates children and would never want any with someone like me. What does that even mean?” I asked, frustrated.

“Oh dear, don’t pay any attention to him, he’s been like this ever since he heard the news that Lilly Evans  and James Potter got engage. I suppose they'll be expecting a child in due time as well, which of course will be even worse for Severus. Of course we were all expecting it, except him. It’s very possible that you remind him of her. Now would you like to see the hospital wing before breakfast, since you’re so close to it.” She said smiling at me motherly.

“Of course, lead the way.” I said smiling.

“Oh silly me, I always forget that not every teacher here went to this school. Of course most of them did, a few of them even taught some of them.” She said laughing. “As you can see, once you are a part of Hogwarts School you are always a part of it’s extensive family.” She said leading me towards my workspace. “This is it, the medicine cabinets are over there, in your chambers is an area for you to brew healing potions, I presume you have the relevant books on the list? Good. When you see that a potion is running low it will be your job to make a new batch. I don’t suppose Severus has gone over your duties as an assistant house mistress?” She asked.

“Um no, I didn’t realise that I had to do duties where that was concerned.” I said sheepishly.

“Oh don’t worry it’ll just be a few nights on duty in the common room etc. Here’s your schedule for here, I suggest that when you meet up with Severus to discuss it you refer back to this one.” She said smiling at me. “Now shall we go and get some breakfast?”

“Yes please, I’m famished!” And so we continued on our way to the Great Hall.

“Ah there you are Erin, I was just saying to Severus that you two should discuss the house schedules tonight, unfortunately I can’t make it till ten tonight so we could make a meal out of it and have dinner whilst we discuss it. Severus are your chambers all set up?” Albus asked.

“Yes, Albus. I guess my chambers will be the best for this situation.” Severus said grumpily. Obviously he didn’t want to do it, but he didn’t really have an option.

“Perfect. Erin, do you like Hogwarts so far? Understandably it’s a bit quiet without students but that will all be gone this time tomorrow.” Albus said, letting me sit in the seat next to him.

“It’s amazing, I wish I had been a student here. It all seems so… well magical for lack of a better word.” I said, grinning at the kind man.

“Yes, I understand your mother taught you. She was a student here you know. Incredibly intelligent she was your mother, however it pains me to say that she didn’t have a very enjoyable time here.” He said regrettably. “She was heavily bullied.” He concluded sadly.

“She never told me about that.” I said honestly.

“Well of course she wouldn’t, once she’d met your dad the past was that exactly the past.” He said. “Anyway I think it would be good for you to explore the castle after breakfast. Just a little tip, there are a few hidden passages behind a few of the portraits. I’ll see you later.” He said before he left the table and the great hall.

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