Chapter Four

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The rest of the day was spent with me acquainting myself with the castle and it’s grounds, which I can tell you now is not easy. After getting lost several times, asking the portraits which way to go and bumping into a few ghosts I’ve finally figured out the quickest and easiest routes from the dungeons to the great hall, from the dungeons to the hospital wing and from the hospital wing to the great hall. Really they are probably the only routes I will need but still, hopefully I will learn where I am during the school year. As light turned to darkness I thought it would be best to find my way back to the dungeons from wherever I am. In the end it actually wasn’t that hard and I found myself stood in front of Snape’s office in no time. Hoping that I wasn’t too early so that he would be annoyed I knocked hesitantly on the door.

“Come in!” A yell sounded through the door.

“Hi Severus, sorry I’m a bit early.” I said, but then the smell of the food hit me. “What are you cooking? It smells amazing!” I exclaimed as I breathed in the heavenly scent.

“It’s peppered duck with vanilla mash, pea and wild mushroom ragout. Are you any good at mashing potatoes?” He asked me, a masher held in his hand.

“Who do you think has done all the cooking in my house since my mother died. It certainly wasn’t my father.” I laughed as I relieved Severus from potato duty so that he could continue cooking the duck. “Will there be enough for the three of us?” I asked, looking at the size of the small duck.

“Albus has conveniently cancelled at the last moment. Which was expected of him. I believe he is trying to play matchmaker.” Severus said, his voice drawing out certain words.

“Would that be so terrible?” I questioned, my eyebrow raised at him slightly. I watched as his dark, black eyes ghosted over my body before returning back to my face.

“I guess not.” He admitted. “Right now that the potatoes have been mashed the duck will take about half an hour to finish cooking. Would you like something to drink? Perhaps some nettle wine, I brewed it myself.” He suggested as he pulled two glasses out of the cupboard above the stove.

“That would be lovely thank you.” I said smiling graciously as I accepted my glass.

“Shall we sit?” Severus said, gesturing to the table that was laid out very basically. “I was mulling over the schedule for the common room duty, and I thought that you were best suited to either week days with the odd Sunday. You wouldn’t want to do Saturdays because that’s when the quidditch matches are and whether we loose or win there will always be a mess for you to clean up.”

“How considerate of you Severus. I’m supposed to be working in the hospital wing every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. However Poppy has said to me that I am to be the nurse at the quidditch game to be on hand for any injuries. Apparently she has had enough of repairing bones.” I laughed.

“I think that that would work out nicely, you could work in the common room Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Watch out for some of the pranksters in the common room they might try and trip you up.” He warned caringly.

“How long have you worked here?” I asked.

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