Chapter Eight

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“Pray tell, what is it that you are staring at, miss Hanley?” Severus asked, tearing me away from my daydream. Is it possible that I imagined that? Being dragged into the broom cupboard and that kiss. That kiss that felt so real, as real as any kiss I’ve ever experienced. Embarrassed, I looked at the man who was the object of my daydreams to see an insufferable smirk on his lips.

“You saw all of it didn’t you?” I accused, gritting my teeth together in pure fury.

“I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Now third years we should go and collect those Daisy roots, now that Miss Hanley has kindly re-joined us.” He said, before he led them out of the hall, this time I brought up the rear. Without speaking to him this time I just sat down and continued reading, whilst he stood an ever-present grimace on his face. Once the class had finished and the relevant scrapes had been bandaged up, I wasted no time in storming back to the castle. “Miss Hanley, you have a very active imagination!” I heard Severus call to my back, followed by a low chuckle, but I didn’t stop. I was too mad.

“That pompous git! He thinks that he can just waltz into anyone’s mind whenever he feels like it, just because he can! Ugh it’s an invasion of privacy!” I yelled to myself as I chucked my cloak down on the floor of my chambers before I kicked it away. Running a hand through my hair I decided to write a letter to him. Of course I wouldn’t send it, I’d just write it to get my anger out. I heard the muggle therapists used this technique and it is apparently very successful. Sitting down at my desk I started riffling through the draws until I found what I needed, quill, parchment and ink.

            Dear Severus,

                        Your actions clearly show that you are a slime ball who cares not about the feelings of those around him. It is as though your heart is as cold as a stone in the depths of winter in the arctic. I fear that staying above ground for long would melt this so-called heart and the rest of the exterior for that matter. You go wandering through people’s brains because there are no barriers however they should not need barriers. It is plain wrong and immoral. But why should you care you have no soul. Your students are petrified of you, which I’m sure is the way you like it, but they hold no respect for you. The names they call you out of the classroom show this. I have been here less than a week and I already feel violated. I see no reason why Dumbledore should trust you. You are just as slimy as a snake that is the signal of your house. The other professors make excuses for you; they say oh that’s just how it is. But I won’t! It’s unacceptable. You need to start treating people with the respect they deserve not with the disdain you feel for them.


            Erin Hanley


Once I’d finished my rather angry letter I folded it up and put it in an envelope and addressed it to him, intent on burning it after dinner this evening when I had more time. It seemed I only had a few minutes to spare before the Great Hall would become packed with students. I quickly took a short shower before dressing in some black trousers and a black top before I made my way to the Hall for a marvellous feast. If I’m not careful I will weigh ten stone more before October! When I got to the Great Hall I saw that there were two spaces available, one next to the crazy lady, Sybil, and one next to Severus. Deciding that I would settle for crazy, I quickly walked up to her and sat down.

“Oh hello again, I fear I may have said something to frighten you off the other day.” She said, already piling food onto her plate. “Have you had a good first few days?” She questioned looking at me intently; her magnifying glasses over her face, making her eyes seem twice as large.

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