Chapter Seventeen

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When six came around I was more than excited. I had dressed more for comfort than for show, it wasn't completely the case of cause. I had decided to wear some black, dragonhide trousers (knowing how much he loves the colour black), which I had paired with a white shirt that was completely backless... meaning that it looked better to wear no support. I took a little black bag with me to store my wand, just in case of an emergency, and my red lipstick. What topped it off though was the pair of white strappy heels which were decorated with gold studs. I didn't know what Severus would think of me, but I thought I looked pretty darn good.

I waited in my office, head pressed up against the door as I listened to the steady beat of footsteps as the Slytherin house passed from the dungeons to the Great Hall for dinner. When I was satisfied that no one else was going to be rushing past, I stuck my head out of the door, and with the rest of my body following made the short trip to Severus' rooms. I hammered on his door a few times, wanting to be polite instead of just barging in. I didn't have to wait in the cold corridor for long. It seemed as though as soon as I pulled my fist away from the door it swung open to reveal the dark potions master who, for the first time, wasn't wearing all black.

He stood there leaning against the door frame, arms folded across his chest, his ever present smirk as his black onyx eyes took me in. He had on a dark green shirt that he'd rolled up to his elbows, evidently more comfortable now that I knew about the mark that branded his arm, paired with black slacks that seemed to fit his legs perfectly. His dark hair had been scraped away from his face to help him see what he was cooking better.

"On time as expected Erin, you look... ravishing." He drawled as he finally stepped aside, permitting me entrance. I smirked up at him.

"As do you Severus. Now pray tell me, where was that shirt hiding when I was hunting through your wardrobe earlier?" I asked cheekily as I placed my bag down on the table, which he had set with a green tablecloth and silver candles.

"Possibly still in the store." He chuckled from behind me as he busied himself. "Would you like some red wine? I had the elves make it specially." He asked as I turned to face him. I nodded happily, I loved red wine. "The food is nearly done, I just need to make some finishing touches." He said before he moved back over to the kitchen area where a lovely smell engulfed him.

"Would you like some help?" I asked, sipping my wine and watching it's legs trickle back down into the glass. I loved a good elvish wine.

"No, take a seat... please." He said, indicating to the chairs. He obviously wasn't used to entertaining company if his answers were anything to go by. However, as he said the food arrived at the table along with Severus. He placed one down in front of me and the other in front of his empty chair before his body occupied it. "I hope you like chicken." He said, seeming a little nervous.

"I do." I smiled before I cut into the tender breast and placed it in my mouth where it melted. "Severus this is delicious." I moaned as I continued to hack away at my plate. He laughed slightly, perhaps in relief?

"So, you mentioned you were home schooled?" Severus said, starting the conversation off as he dug into his own food.

"Yes, my mother insisted. When I was growing up I found it very difficult to control my... abilities. They seemed to take whatever form they deemed appropriate for my emotions. One time, I think our dog had just died, I looked like I was on deaths door. So she kept me with her, taught me things. I was able to do things that people twice my age could do. I started learning wandless magic when I was fifteen. But I felt like I had missed out on this experience. I never really had any friends." I shrugged indicating to the room around me, meaning the Hogwarts experience.

"That is remarkable. And I wouldn't wish too strongly for that experience." He muttered darkly.

"I know that yours wasn't necessarily a good one, but I'm sure it had its positives." I said, trying to make this conversation turn out better.

"Perhaps..." He drawled, obviously planning on just leaving it there as he turned his attention to his food. We ate for a few minutes in a slightly awkward silence as I tried to think of something else to ask.

"Why do you enjoy potions and did you always enjoy it?" I asked, lifting my head up to look at him. It seemed that I had startled him, maybe he forgot that I was still here.

"I enjoy the abilities that comes with it. I always liked the fact that you can brew any poison you desire, but only you know how to brew the antidote to its fullest effect. Initially I applied for the role as the professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, but Albus felt that my skills were better suited for the potions master." Severus explained. You could tell that by the way he spoke about potions that he loved it, he may not like it but he was passionate about his job.

"Why would you apply for that role when you love potions so much?" I asked, slightly confused as to why he would want the job that apparently has a curse on it. Although the current professor had been in the position for two years running now.

"It was the job that the Dark Lord wanted me to have." Severus shrugged, before he eleborated. "He was furious when I told him that Albus wouldn't give me that role, yet he was slightly satisfied that I would be working for Dumbledore. He told me to get close to the old man, and I did. And then he started taking an interest in the Potters. He wanted them to join his ranks, but I know Lily and she would never want to be affiliated with such darkness. And now that she's pregnant... It makes her family more likely to be the one from the prophecy." Severus sighed, sagging his shoulders. Evidently these things troubled him greatly. "If only I had never gotten involved. I would have never called Lily that name, and she would have never gone into the waiting arms of Potter." He growled. I abandoned my seat to kneel beside his so I could put a warming hand on his leg.

"Severus... Everything is going to be alright, you've chosen the right side. Understandably things will get very difficult for you but you must play your part, and it must be convincingly. Perhaps, if you want that is, I can help?" I asked almost desperately. I wanted to help him, I needed to help him. If I didn't I would loose him to the anguish and despair that was currently engulfing him.

"He knows that there is someone. People have spoken about us to their parents, who happen to be death eaters. He will expect you in a few meetings. He will ask me to bring you, to try and make you join our ranks... He can never know your true identity though. Promise me you will conceal yourself." Severus said, suddenly grasping my forearms and bringing me to sit in his lap.

"I promise Severus." I said as I leant in to kiss him, a kiss that was gladly reciprocated.

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