Chapter Nine

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Check out the awesome banner that the lovely and wonderful SheTargaryen made for me. There is another one she's made fore me coming up soon so watch this space!!! Now enjoy, remember vote and comment if you want, i promise i don't bite!


All of the elder students that I came in contact with for the remainder of the week were chattering about the Hogsmeade trip, I’ve been told that I have to go to Zonko’s the joke shop and buy several things by several students. It seems to be the place to go if you want to cause some mischief, I can only imagine how many pranks would be directed at Severus Snape. I walked to the Great Hall with a spring in my step that late morning, excited to see what the small, picturesque town of Hogsmeade had in store for me.

“Good morning Minerva.” I said as I sat in the seat beside her.

“Oh… hello dear. Looking forward to the Hogsmeade trip?” She asked me as she delicately cut her bacon into little triangles.

“Oh I can’t wait.” I said beaming. “So many people have told me to go into Zonko’s. I fear that most of my work next week will be due to some of their products.” I said, laughing slightly.

“I’m sure you’re quite right, Erin.” She said smiling at me. “Oh Severus, would you be so kind as to keep Miss Hanley company? I have to discuss something with Dumbledore.” She said before vacating her seat, not really giving him or me much of an option.

“Certainly.” He drawled. “Miss Hanley.” He said to me as he sat down, I guess in a way that was his way of saying good morning.

“Severus.” I said blandly back.

“My, don’t you two make a handsome couple.” A whispery voice said from my right.

“Sybill, I assure you that…”

“Yes, yes, yes, Severus, you assure me that you can never love again, I’ve heard it all there in your head.” She said, interrupting him before she started to shovel food into her mouth. I turned to look at the man and mouthed the word barmy.

“Are you looking forward to going to Hogsmeade?” I asked Severus, trying my best to be civil.

“No, but I do have to be honest, it has come at an opportune time. I need to restock some of the ingredients in my own personal store.” He explained as he stabbed the centre of his pork sausage before he delicately sliced it. All of his movements were so fluid and connected. One would seamlessly flow into the next. I guess all those years around hot flames and boiling cauldrons made his movements so, well, perfect.

“Ah I see.” I muttered before I returned back to my own food.

“Hogsmeade trip students follow me so I can tick ye names off!” Argus, the caretaker, called into the hall his ever-faithful cat Mrs Norris at his heels.

“I guess we should be going too then Severus?” I asked excitedly, nearly bouncing out of my seat with glee and excitement.

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