Playing with Fire: Chapter 25: Anton

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Sarah fidgeted in the limousine as we drove to the council chambers.

"What is the matter?" I asked as gently as I could.

She'd been rather quiet this morning and I knew she was over thinking things again.

"I don't like the thought that phase five is them marrying us. I don't want that woman officiating our union Anton."

I took her hand and kissed the palm, my smile settled her nerves and her annoyance at the situation. Personally, I wouldn't want that woman presiding over us and our marriage and that is why I had done things as I had.

Sarah smiled at me with a slight roll of her eyes.

"I know, trust you. I am but I just thought I'd put that out there, you know?"

I nodded without a word, letting her vent the anger. Better here than in the chambers.

"I wanted something in a place that was romantic, not some cold room with jerks who thrive on misery. Maybe somewhere in a garden, with nature on a beautiful spring afternoon. But then I remembered you've got vampire friends who can't go out in the sun."

"There are always options available Sarah, do not throw the thought away if that is what you truly desire."

"But what about you, what do you want?"

I offered another smile, wishing that I could say that all I wanted was to put another ring on her finger and her to do the same for me. To dance under a moonlit sky with her in my arms and the annoyance of a flowing white train behind her. Whisk her away from our loved ones and well-wishers, carry her over the threshold of our new home and give her another night of unbridled pleasure. How could I sum that up without making me look like a horny teenager?

"Anything and everything, so long as you are there."

"That's not very helpful Anton." she pouted.

"But it is the truth. Garden wedding, beach wedding, top of a mountain or a swamp, so long as we are together and married, it doesn't matter."

Sarah moved her body, sitting on the seat to face me.

"Come on Anton, tell me."

"Okay, well I suppose the garden idea is nice. As for the vampires, we could do it in the underworld. The sun there does not affect them like this one does."

"Is it pretty?"

"I think it is beautiful."

She pulled me by the tie and dragged me to her, her delicate lips barely pressed against mine. Her eyes were wild with delight as she stared into mine.

"Then that is where we will be married."

"You want to be married in hell?"

"I thought you said it doesn't matter where we marry." she stated.

Caught by my own words, how cheeky and smart she was.

"Alright, I will prepare a section of land and have it ready for a date that is yet to be decided."


"The underworld is not seasonal Sarah, it is one constant temperature which is warm."

She nodded, a little shocked.

"A dress without sleeves then."

The humor died from her face as she watched the view over my shoulder, the limousine slowed and I knew why she wasn't happy anymore. We had arrived at the chambers.

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