Shadow of Death: Chapter 20: Sarah

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All Anton offered as a suggestion was that the dress had to be appropriate for a queen. I looked at dozens of dresses as he took Brannon for a walk around New York. When I was almost done, I was to call him, and he would make his way back. It was kind of cute and a little hot to watch him walk away, pushing Brannon. He had his sexy daddy thang going on, and this mommy liked it very much.

"I want it to be delicate and demure."

The woman nodded thoughtfully.

"It has to be appropriate; my husband has a lot of uh, business associates that will be coming."

"Would you like something like this? It has a sweetheart neckline with a lace overlay that sits as high as the collarbone."

I assessed the dress, full sleeves weren't ideal for the underworld, but at least they were lace. Hopefully, it won't be too hot. Then again, I didn't want to risk it.

"I like the high neckline, but I'm not sure about sleeves. Might be too hot and constrictive."

She nodded and moved a few mannequins down.

"What about this style? High neckline with cap sleeves that would sit just off the shoulder."

"Yes, I think that's better."

With a happy nod, the woman removed the dress and brought it into the dressing room for me, helping me try it on. She kept saying that I was too tiny for it, that it would need to be brought in a lot. I smiled as I said nothing, wanting the dress to fit.

As the last button was done up the woman rounded me, looking on with disbelief.

"It fits." she said perplexed.

That's because I wanted it to fit.

"Maybe it's just deceptive."

She nodded though I don't think she was convinced. After I had been helped out of the dress, the woman left me to redress. I quickly called Anton as I struggled back into my clothes using one hand.

"Hello my lovely wife, are you done so soon?"

"Yep, time to make your way back."

"Alright, see you soon."

I could hear his amusement as he remained on the line.

"Hang up Sarah."

"You first. Bye Anton."

He chuckled. "Bye Sarah and I am hanging up now."


"Really hanging up."

"I'm sure you are. Did I mention that I'm not wearing my shirt?"

It was met with silence and then a humming that sounded like he was rather pleased.

"Sounds absolutely delightful. I'm almost at the shop. Stay indecent, and I'll be in to help you misbehave."

I heard a sharp intake of air from Anton; his hushed tone filled me with worry.

"Get dressed and stay in the dressing room."

The line went dead, and I began to panic, dressing quickly. Ignoring his request, I opened the door and peered through the shop. Outside I could see Gabriel and Anton talking.

I had a problem, Anton might have said for me to stay in here but what could be done for Brannon? Nothing and I hated the feeling of dread that was inside of me. I hated not knowing why Gabriel was out there.

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