Playing with Fire: Chapter 2: Sarah

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This vampire hangout was pretty swank, they sure knew how to decorate. From the rich red corridors with tea lights and plush carpet to the room itself. We walked into the small entry that lead to the lounge room. A room that was filled with lounges that looked incredibly comfortable, all facing an enormous television screen that sat above a fireplace.

Investigating the area, I found a small industrial style kitchen. Strong and sharp lines with stainless steel benches and appliances. It looked like it was brand new, never used. The dining room was beside it, in the room was a table that could seat twelve. Like the lounge room, it was decorated with an old world theme. Deep and dark colors with wood panels on the bottom half to a dado rail.

I ventured out of the room, finding there were a small powder room and a study. It looked like something that a professor should reside in. Wall to wall books on dark wood shelves, the desk made of the same wood.

Anton was in the only bedroom, it was almost as big as the rest of the place. The bed dominated the room, it was so wide it had three pillows sitting against the headboard. Who needs a bed that big?

"I'm at the end." I blurted out, staring at the bed.

It was like my one track mind was not connected to my mouth. Or if it was, it wasn't working properly.


I looked at Anton who was standing at the doorway to the walk in robe. Awkwardly I gestured to my body, hoping that he'd take the hint. Because now my mouth had decided to stop working.

Slowly he walked over, his head tipped slightly as he assessed me. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks as I backed away, hitting the wall.

"At what end Sarah?" he whispered against my lips.

It was then that my mouth started to work, letting out a strained whimper.

"Cycle," I said rather mortified.

"Is that right?" he whispered rather amused. "Is that your way of telling me that it's unlikely that you will get pregnant?"

I nodded slightly, unable to take my eyes off him. His lips traced over mine, barely touching. With a groan that escaped me, he pressed me against the wall and kissed me harshly. Harsher than he ever had. As our tongues danced in the kiss, his hands slid down my sides. Both legs were lifted around his hips as my skirt was pushed over my backside.

I groaned again when he pressed himself against me, that dig was so incredible. A knock at the main door interrupted what could have been something so amazing. Anton and I looked at each other, our lips still locked. Slowly we parted and Anton set my feet back to the ground.

"I'll go answer the door, you deal with that," I said as I gestured to his pants.

"You are a delinquent, did you know that?"

With a cheeky nod, I pushed my skirt back down my thighs and ventured out of the room. When I opened the main door I was faced with a beautiful blonde woman. No, beautiful wasn't enough to describe her. Long flowing wavy hair and brilliant green eyes. Tall with perfect, peachy pale skin. And a body that was filled to a man's delight. Tight pants showed off the hips that were round but in proportion to her lithe frame. She wore a tight corset like top that pushed the ample cleavage up.

"Hi," she said with a mighty big grin. "Is this Anton's room? I wasn't sure, there are so many in this place."

"Uh yeah."

In that grin, I saw fangs and I wanted to shrink back with fear, I was faced with a vampire. An incredibly good looking vampire. And one that was looking for Anton. Why?

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