Queen of Hell: Chapter 27: Anton

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Igor had left to join Catherine in the grand hall, Peaco had been and gone as well. We were left waiting for the last of our meetings before I had to speak to the demons. I had to give a speech to them, telling them of everything that had happened, everything that I thought would happen and what I expected of them.

Felhar appeared at the door.

"My lord, Bestau has arrived."

"Send him in."

Sarah wandered across the room, looking a little paler than usual.

"My darling, are you alright?"

"How early should I expect morning sickness?"

"I have no idea."

"Well, I think I have it."

And here we were with demons who would have no idea how to help her. At least, that's what I thought.


"Yes my lord."

"Have Catherine Nelson come here at once."

"Yes my lord."

Bestau walked into the room, bowing as he stopped.

"Good morning my Lord. Forgive my delay; I was at the main gate ensuring that the staff understood their duties."

"And they understand to keep a vigilant eye?"

"Yes my lord, there are traps laid, and Cerberus is walking freely among them, sniffing each and every demon that enters. All of the other gates are locked; there is only one entry point."

"Good, please take a seat. I won't be a moment."

Bestau bowed and sat in the seat opposite Sarah.


"My lord."

"Igor may have mentioned that there was a time in your human life where you were, in fact, a mother, is this correct?"

She nodded with a fond smile. "It is correct my lord."

"Great, I need some information from you, and it is one that you must keep a secret until it is declared publicly." I leaned forward when she nodded, closing into a hushed tone. "I require remedies for morning sickness."

Catherine smiled.

"A lot of people suggest that ginger is the way, I have heard that peppermint is another solution. Calming tea might be beneficial and relaxed environment. May I offer my congratulations? Such wondrous times, is it not?"

"It is and thank you. Have you found a path for your future in hell?"

Catherine shook her head. "Igor mentioned that he was offered a placement in your kitchen, but I have not found anything. There isn't much that this world offers at the moment."

"Things will change Catherine, fret not for your future. With a little time, the town will rise again, and the demons will begin to function as a healthy society. You will find something that suits you perfectly."

"I hope so my lord, Igor seems so happy and I am too, but I find working keeps my mind active."

"What was it that you did?"

"Real estate agent."

My eyes darted to Bestau who was patiently waiting, making conversation with Sarah who looked like she was ready to run to the bathroom.

"Forgive me Catherine, but I think I need to relieve Sarah from her entertaining duties. I may have a solution to your employment issues, give me a few minutes."

She nodded and sat on the chair beside the door. I hastened to Sarah who was looking rather pale.

"Darling, take a few moments."

Sarah nodded and walked to the bathroom as daintily as she could.

"My lord, did I upset the queen?"

"No Bestau, she is just a little under the weather at the moment."

He nodded, placated and happier than before. Though Sarah was new here, she still had her demons captivated, and Bestau was one of them, concerned for her wellbeing.

"It has been a while since we've had a full hell, has it not?"

"Yes, my lord."

"And how are the accommodations fairing?"

"Most are fine; the sudden influx has left my team pushing for the repairs to be done to the older section. They tire quickly, the motions needed to repair dilapidated buildings is most taxing upon the mind."

I nodded and gestured to Catherine who was sitting patiently, Igor had joined her, and they were talking.

"That lovely lady is Catherine; she is the partner of a man that has served my wife in her human life and has come to us to help us in our married and immortal life. I would find it most pleasing to see the two of them happy in their lives, and I know that by beloved wife would as well. She is quite fond of Igor, he has watched over her and helped her become accustomed to immortality. When they lived in New York, Catherine worked as a real estate agent. I am confident that if you put your mind to the task, you will find her services beneficial for accommodating the new arrivals. There are many hands here now Bestau, use the time before the meeting starts and find yourself a team that can do the jobs and do it quickly."

"As you wish my lord, I would find Catherine's help most advantageous and thank you for such an offer."

Leaning back into the chair, I pondered Bestau's role in this world. He was the demon that was like the middle man between me and the remaining demons. Almost like middle management I suppose.

"We may be going to war again Bestau. Michael tried to lure my queen to a path that would break my world, and when she reacted in a way that he did not like, he had an angel torch her restaurant."

Bestau's eyes widened, his hands gripped the armrests of the chair with his rising anger.

"Were there any innocents lost?"

"No, fortunately, the restaurant was closed. I want for you to understand the path that is ahead of us before I tell the legions of demons that war is upon us."

He offered his gratitude and stood when I did, following me to Catherine.

"Catherine, this is Bestau, the master of demons. You will work alongside him and prepare the accommodations for the incoming demons; you will assist him in housing them and ensuring that all is well in this world. I want happy demons, do not give into their demands but do as I ask. Accommodation that is suitable for their situation and jobs to match their skills. Revive the town and create the society. Can I trust you with these tasks?"

"Yes my Lord." they offered in unison.

"Thank you. You may go and enjoy the festivities."

They bowed and scuttled off, Igor lingered for a moment.

"Thank you for making Catty happy my lord."

"Any time Igor."

He bowed and followed after his love; I watched with my own slight happiness. Yes, I liked happy demons. They were easier to persuade to do things when I gave them what they desired.

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