Book 3: Queen of Hell

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Their days of an eternal life together have only just begun, Sarah and Anton are living in a blissful bubble of love and happiness.

Renovations to the apartment building are about to begin, soon it will become their home. Their days should be filled with planning their new home, ensuring the restaurant is functioning well and everything in hell is on track. One visitor will cause turmoil in their lives and try to disrupt the life together that they have only just started to build. All they wanted was a peaceful life, not avoiding the scrutiny that comes from a toxic person.

All of their plans for the future are now unstable, resting upon the edge of a knife. For all that Anton hopes that he can balance their lives and pretend to be mortal humans, he knows that one day it will crash down around them. His efforts to give Sarah normalcy in her new immortal life is fading away. He had hoped to give her a few decades doing what she loved before the reality of their lives burdened them to the point where the charade was finally over. Anton never believed that it would come so soon. With the threat of being revealed to the world, Anton and Sarah must choose a life among humans on the surface or hide in the underworld.

Their concerns over their life on the surface wash away when a lingering threat makes a tactical maneuver against them, forcing Sarah and Anton to reconsider their future.

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