Shadow of Death: Chapter 12: Sarah

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The sun was slowly setting, sinking behind the trees. It always fell to the horizon but was never fully diminished; light always shone over the land even if it was dulled considerably. By midnight tonight, the last of the crows will have been sent out. After that, they will not leave until Anton gives the go ahead. In one week, the doves will stop too.

I didn't know what to think about it; I had mixed emotions. Happy for Anton that he was about to give Michael a big screw you but worried for everyone who would suffer from this. There would be no death, no birth and the humans that had lived their lives with the blissful ignorance of the truth were about to get one hell of a reality check. The devil was real, and he was pissed.

"The humans will know that you're real," I said without turning from the view.

We were in the study, a dark room that reminded me of the room at the keep, the one that I thought looked like it should belong to a professor. Dark wood panelled walls, a large bookshelf with leather bound books.

There was a large window, but the curtains were drawn, I was peeking through one side as I leaned on the wall. The room was lit with candles that were dotted around the room. To one side was a fireplace, roaring with a fire that warmed the room even though we did not need more warmth. The mantle was covered in wax, dripping off the stone ledge and onto the surround.

He even had the customary Chesterfield and leather wing backs, on a side table was a crystal decanter filled with amber liquid and several crystal glasses.

"The thought had crossed my mind, that's why I locked the gates."

I turned and looked at Anton who was sitting behind a large mahogany desk, reading one really large book that looked older than him.

"I wouldn't worry about it, once things go back to normal they'll do a mass mindwipe, and no one will remember a thing."

"Okay, so is that really possible and what do you mean go back to normal?"

"Yes, it is possible otherwise I wouldn't have said it. As for going back to normal, you don't think that I'd really stop life and death forever, did you?"

I shrugged. "I hadn't really thought about it, to be honest."

He nodded, leaning back on his seat. With a grin, he pushed his chair back and waited as I crossed the room and took my favoured place on his lap.

"They'll figure it out and send word that they're not impressed, then I'll send word that I'm not impressed either, and of course, I'll tell them why. After a bit of back and forth, we will eventually come to some form of agreement."

"How long will that take?"

"If they're smart, no more than a day."

I wanted to ask what would happen if they were stubborn but I feared the answer. Anton had optimism, and I learned that I should believe in him, especially after he'd done so well with the council.

"I'm going to have a lie down while Brannon is asleep."

"Okay, I will come and annoy you very soon."

With a chuckle, I stood from his lap and left him to his old and odd book.

In this vast castle, Anton, Brannon and I occupied a mere blip of the footprint. Our living quarters was in the western wing of the castle because Anton liked to watch the sun as it set of an afternoon. Not that the strange thing actually set properly. I was beginning to miss the moon.

But in this odd little set up in this enormous castle, we lived in what was almost like a self-contained flat. Of course, it was as large as a house. The kitchen wasn't a part of our area; it was on the ground floor at the back of the building. Here we had several bedrooms that would not be used for some time, Anton's study, a formal lounge and restroom for guests and our own bedroom. It seemed large, but each of the rooms was connected by one large corridor.

I stepped out of the study and crossed the hall to our bedroom, something that I found concerning. Could Anton really not drag himself away from his work? Does he not like to rest? I didn't know, I thought he wanted to laze around this afternoon, but he had spent most of it with his nose stuck in that book, reading about something that was related to this nightmare.

Turning into the bedroom my happy mood fell away, looking upon a cloaked figure that was standing near Brannon's bed. Alerted to my presence the figure looked up, pulling back the hood with a smile.

"Good afternoon your highness."

I stared, completely stunned.

"May I offer my congratulations on a beautiful son?"

"Who are you and why are you in my bedroom looking at my son?"

"Forgive me; I should have come the more respectable way and entered through the front door except that I feared your husband would not grace me with a meeting."

He offered a smile, one that was perfect and matched his good looks. Wavy dark blonde locks were neatly styled back over his head, trailing down to the collar of his shirt.

Taking a step away from Brannon, the man moved closer to me. He was careful with his movement, not wanting to startle me or have me calling for Anton.

"I am Gabriel."

My heart fell into my stomach; I was certain it was now festering in the acids that had just ripped through the lining and causing this awful ache.

"The Gabriel?"

He offered another smile, like Michael's it was amazing and made me feel really happy. Like some bubbling of joy within me that made me actually want to smile. I had to fight it off, knowing that I was really freaked out and not enamoured by the handsome man in front of me.

"Yes, the Gabriel."

"How did you get in? The gates are locked."

"Your husband isn't the only one that can pick a lock, Sarah."

Brannon began to cry, Gabriel turned to look down at him.

"Oh dear child, could you not have behaved for a few more minutes? Was my request too much for you?"

"He's a newborn child," I said dryly.

Gabriel looked up at me with a raised eyebrow; his lips twitched with a sardonic smirk.

"Sarah, he is the product of the devil, he understands everything that is said. Do not compare him to a human child, that will not do you or him any justice."

Turning back to Brannon he reached down to pick him up, looking at me as I tried to stop him.

"Do not fret Sarah; I am not going to harm him or anyone. I have come here peacefully."

As Gabriel clutched Brannon to his chest, the doors swung open, and Anton walked in. His face went from happy to livid in a split second. I'd seen Anton angry, and I knew it was mild, but I'd never realised how mild his prior anger had been until now.

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