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The music blasts from the speakers. This is the only way to quiet down my wolf and somewhat distract my thoughts. 

"Melody," Chase yells over the music, "damn it, Melody." He lowers the volume just a bit. 

All I want to do is block out the world. All I want is to be left alone. Alone to forget.

"Leave me alone," Chase sighs as I grab my iPod touch. My finger skims through the songs not really sure that there is a song to make this better. There is nothing that can make this better.

"Come on babe," he makes his way towards me as I turn away and stare at him through the mirror that wraps around the ballet studio.

Our eyes meet through the mirror and he gives me a weak smile. The lopsided smile that he pulls off so perfectly when he does not know what to do.

"Why didn't I know about this?" The hurt that I am feeling radiates off of every word.

When I reached my father his distraught emotions made me feel as if all the air in the world had been sucked into space and I was suffocating. His emotions rip through him and drag me down. 

There before us, were three men, slaughtered. They did not belong to the Moonless or Crimson Moon pack. These wolves were completely unknown that is until my father saw the claw marks embedded deep into their skin.

Later on, my mother filled in the blanks. Apparently, they are from a warrior pack, an extremely dangerous pack. Whoever killed them must have been so much stronger than them.

"Melody," Chase pulls me closer and I am pulled under by his worry for me. The connection between us has grown stronger and now everything he feels I feel, "They didn't want to worry you!" He whispers and I understand. 

My parents want me to be happy after all that I went through they want me to have a somewhat normal life.

My emotions are out of control - anger, confusion, and worry. "And me seeing this was better. I am calling off school for a while I need to be here with my parents."

"Mel, school starts tomorrow," he states.


"You took a spot in a very tough school to get into, if you drop out now that means not only you but someone out there missed their chance to get the education of their dreams."

Damn. He has a point.

"What should I do," my body sags in defeat but Chase holds me upright.

"Leave this to the alphas," he whispers into my ear, "that is why we have them."

True, but these alphas mean the world to me.

"What if they get hurt," I whisper to him and turn to face him. His dark chocolate brown eyes soften.

"They always knew that was a risk that came with the job." 

It appears that Chase is right and at the moment all I want to do is shut the world out. I ask Chase to leave me alone for a while and he accepted but he made it clear that he was not going too far.

My dance studio, my haven, is turned into a gym by my choice. Seeing how all these other wolves are so much stronger than me in human form I decided that I needed to work out, a lot.

The punching bag in the corner catches my eye. Chase taught me how to wrap my hands so that they do not bleed.


The Wolf Warrior {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now