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There is something really wrong.

Even my wolf feels it and she seems very uneasy over it.

Get to your parents and Chase, now! We need to find them.

"Melody," Nate's shaky voice sends a shiver down my spine as I take my eyes off the road.

"What?" I snap but his eyes stay glued to the window as a shaky finger points to the trees.

"What the hell is happening?" He yells out as my eyes follow his finger.

"Fuck," the word is pushed out as panic rises in my throat.

Wolves upon wolves are running in the same direction we are heading in.

Holy hell.


"Watch out!" Nate screams and something registers in my wolf before I can even blink. My wolf pushes herself out of my core and suddenly everything in front of me becomes a blur.

Cover him!

My body collides hard with Nate as glass shatters and the blast of the airbags knocks us back.

Nate's POV

Melody seems distracted as she drives. I know she hates having me here. She knows that I am not supposed to be close to her kind but she's my friend.

I need to make sure she's okay.

The trees rush past us as Melody drives us to her parents' house. She seems to be unable to communicate with them or Chase.

I know that this has put her on edge.

Just as I am about to ask her if she can reach anyone something catches my eye.

Upon closer inspection, my heart drops.

"Melody," I push her name out as a lump in my throat forms. "What's happening?"

"What," she snaps. The words refuse to come out so with an unsteady hand I point out the window.

"Fuck," I can see the panic in her eyes. She stares out the passenger window when something else catches my eye.

A huge wolf darts in front of us, "Watch out!" I scream as my eyes close tight. My arms cross over my head as I prepare for impact.

Something wraps around me as glass cracks and an explosion knocks the wind out of me.

Glass breaking and tires screeching are the only noise. Suddenly the eerie silence swallows me whole and a dull ringing invade my ears as I try to remember how to work my body.

"Jesus," I breathe out loudly. A sharp pain stabs out my chest with every breath I take. My eyes fight me as I force them apart. A heaviness rests on my body as I try to take in a deeper breath.

Through the cracked windshield, a grim vision overtakes me. Three big wolves are pacing with eyes locked on the car making me feel like a sitting duck.

"Mel," I glance down and Melody is laid across me. Blood smeared on the dashboard. My hand caresses the back of her head and the warmth seeps onto my fingers. She tried to take in all my impacts. 

My mouth opens but nothing comes out. The driver's side door swings open and her body slides off of me.

My hand reaches out for her but my arms weigh more than I can lift. My door swings open and there is a dark figure inside the car with me.

The figure sniffs around me, "Human," it snarls back and the sound of tearing sends my heart plummeting.

"Bring it out," a sharp sensation stabs at my chest as the figure hauls my body out with ease.

"Oof," the air gets knocked out of my lungs as my body collides with the ground.

"This one," another voice comes from behind the car, "smells different."

"What is she?" The dark figure looms over me as I try to peer into his dark hood. "Answer me," it growls above me as I take in a cold deep breath.

Swallowing down I muster up my courage, "A girl?" My chest tightens as my vision blurs at the edges.

"Is he trying to say that she's human?" Someone snarls as the heaviness in my chest starts to lighten. 

"That's no human..." the words fade into a whisper and I am suddenly drowning in dark nothingness. 

A bloodcurdling scream awakens my body as the clouds whirl into trees and then ground. 

"Nate," her scream makes the world stop moving and my head turns to where her voice is coming from. 

A massive man has his hand wrapped around her throat as her legs swing in the air. 

"Hey," I push myself upwards almost standing when a bulldozer of a man grips my shoulder and as if I were a toothpick flicks me back to the ground, "fuck."

"Stay," he orders as if I were a pet of his. Melody's hands grip the beast of a man before her wrist trying to relieve some of the pressure he has on her throat.

As if she was just a doll her brings her close to his face, "Who are you?"

Melody clenches her jaw and stares at the man.

"I asked you a question, answer me!" He barks as Melody narrows her eyes.

"You're messing with the wrong pup," Melody suddenly seems completely at ease as her body relaxes. The energy around her is almost tangible, static surges through my nerves as I stare at these killers. 

"Are you insane?" I utter under my breath, she is insane. The rustling of leaves snaps my attention to the side when something bolts out of the trees. 

It's a blur but all I do see is Melody swing her legs up and her feet press against the man's chest. 

"Trevin," Melody's body flips back and with ease, she lands on her feet. Her body has been replaced with a hairy animal.

A horrific scream comes off the man that was holding Melody. His screams send a shiver down my spine and my arms fill with goosebumps. 

"Nate, run!" Melody points forward with her head as she turns to the man that is standing next to me. "You're not going to touch him again," her eyes narrow and the man chuckles. 

"Mel," I gasp out, "we need to get out of here." My eyes dart to the man that is fighting off the creature that has settled on using his face as a chew toy.

"You think you can stop me from touching this trash," the man flicks my head with the back of his finger taunting Melody. 

"Ow," my hand rubs at the spot of impact, and my nose flares, "asshole."

Melody's breathing is coming in deeper and faster as she concentrates on the man. 

The static vibrates throughout my body, "Don't freak out," Melody breathes out. 

"Why would I freak out," I chuckle humorlessly, "it's not like this kid can't just claw me to death."

A small growl makes my body freeze and the beast that was munching on the man face earlier peeks through my peripheral vision. 

"Eek," the small screech escapes my lips as my knees grow weak. "Oh no."

The wolf steps up and walks past me his eyes trained on the man standing before us.

"Meet my pet," Of course, she would have a pet wolf. My eyes go to the huge wolf,  "He wasn't the one that I was talking about."

The air is sucked out of my lungs as the static feeling is replaced with a sudden numbness that makes it all the way down to my toes. She pushes through my body and stands in front of me. 

My body does not react from the numbness as the world is flipped and the coldness of the ground seeps through my clothes. "Damn it," gushes out of my lips as the world turns black. 

The Wolf Warrior {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now