My Hero

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It started off as an ordinary day. School was going by SO slow, like always. I hated my life. It sucked in my opinion. I was ugly and fat and stupid and had so many people hate me and harass me. I dreaded going to school everyday. I would sit alone at lunch everyday, nobody would talk to me. I felt like I was invisible. But one day, everything changed. It started at lunch. I was sitting alone, as usual. I was eating alone when all of a sudden this guy [Louis, this guy I had a HUGE crush on] walked over to me and sat down. "Why?" He asked me. I looked at him, confused. "Why what?" He smirked. "Why do you let them do this to you?" He went on and on. He moved over and sat next to me. He looked me in the eyes. "You need to stand up for yourself. I know you can do it. Don't let them push you around like that." All of a sudden two girls walked over to Louis and I. "Why the hell are you sitting with this skank? You're gonna get a disease if you sit too close. You shouldn't even look at her, she's too ugly. You're too good for her. She's a nobody." One girl said. Louis stood up in front of them. He made a scene. He yelled at them. "You don't talk about her like that. She's not what you think she is. She's much more. She's beautiful, and funny, and smart, and talented, and she's amazing. I can't believe you'd make her feel like this. I like her okay. You can't stop me from liking her. Just leave the girl alone!!!" They didn't say anything. They were scared, I could tell. After they left I grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria. "Why did you do that?" I asked him. "Because I love you." My eyes widened. "From the moment I met you, I fell in love. You're beautiful. Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled "Yeah, of course." I smiled and he enveloped me into a hug, then kissed my forehead. "I love you."

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