Love At First Sight

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I walked around the school, trying to find my way. As I looked down at my map I ran into somebody. I looked up to see a bit [looked my age, brown hair, and gorgeous blue/green eyes]. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said to him, blushing a bit. He  chuckled. "It's alright. I haven't seen you around, are you new?" I nodded and showed him the map. "I'm looking for room 228." He raised his eyebrow. "That's where I'm going. Here, follow me." He began to walk, so I followed him. Finally we made it to room 228. We found an empty table and say down. "Let me see your schedule." He looked at me. I took out my schedule from my pocket and handed it to him. He looked at me and grinned. "We have all the same classes. So, just stick with me and you'll be fine." I laughed. We talked and learned stuff about each other, exchanged numbers even. The bell rang and class has started. Soon, it was lunch time. I walked to lunch alone and then found an empty table. I sat down and looked around. "Hey. Why don't you come sit with us instead of sitting all alone?" Louis tapped my shoulder. I stood up and followed him to a booth full of [cute] guys. "Hey guys. This is Maddy. She's new." He introduced everyone. "That's Harry, that's Niall, and that's Liam." He pointed as he introduced them. Niall, Harry, and Liam sat on one side of the booth while Louis and I sat on the other. We all talked and laughed and soon enough they became like my brothers [best friends]. After weeks we started to hangout everyday after school and on the weekends. It was during lunch when I noticed Lou [as I called him] wasn't acting himself. "Louis. Are you okay? Is something bothering you?"  He didn't say anything. I moved to his side of the booth and scooted closer to him. "What's wrong?" He sighed before saying "Well. I have to something admit to you." I nodded in response. "I like you Maddy. More than a best friend. I haven't told you until know because I was afraid of what you'd say and I didn't wanna tell the boys cause they're blabber mouths. But, I think you're really pretty and smart and funny. You're my best friend and I...I..." He stuttered. "I love you." I thought I was dreaming. He loved ME, out of any girl he loved ME. "Aw, Louis. You should've told me. I feel the same way. I've liked you ever since I met you." He smiled before saying "Go out with me?" I agreed and it was official, we were finally a couple! "About time!" Harry scooted into the booth seat across from us, laughing. I threw one of my grapes at him. "Come to my house after school." He said to me as the bell rang and we headed to last period. I couldn't stop smiling. We walked to his house together and we went into the backyard. We sat down in the dry, warm grass. "Meet me here at 6. I have a surprise for you." He said. I smiled and agreed then headed home. I was sweaty from gym class so I decided to take a shower. After I was finally ready I checked myself in the mirror then headed over. It was 6 by the time I got to his house [he lived down the street from me]. I knocked on his door. I waited about a minute, not even, before he answered. He took my hand and guided me to the back door. He stood in front of me. "Close your eyes." I did as he said. He took my hand and lead me into the backyard. "Open." He said finally. I opened my eyes. My eyes widened. I looked around the backyard. I saw a big [movie-type] screen, blankets and pillows and snacks all spread out. "Wow. This is amazing." We walked over the blankets and sat down. "I picked out a good movie for us to watch and I got some snacks and tea." I was excited! We started the movie. It was getting cold and I had forgotten a sweatshirt. Louis looked at me, he noticed I was cold. He scooted close to me and put his arm around me. "Is that better?" He chuckled. I blushed "Yeah. Thanks." We cuddled as we watched the movie. After the movie we laid down on the blankets and looked up at the stars, pointing out various constellations that we saw. "Hey, it's the Big Dipper!" I pointed. We laughed. It was getting late and I had to head home. He held out his hand and helped me up. We stood there, gazing at each other. I smiled at him and that's when it happened. He leaned in and...kissed me! I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stood there kissing. After the kiss I said "I love you Louis." He blushed them replied "I love you too."
We were happy together!

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