The Babysitters

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"Lou stop" I said defensively as we made our way inside. "No! He was flirting with MY girl and that's not okay" he gave me a look. We got returned from dinner at AppleBee's and the whole time the waiter wouldn't stop flirting with me and Louis got mad at him, he wouldn't let it go even though it wasn't that big of a deal in my opinion. "Maybe he was just being nice?" I tried to think positive. "Maddy, you know damn well he wasn't just being nice. That way he was looking at you, and talking to you, and the way he ignored me and focused on you the whole time" Louis shot back as he made his way into the kitchen. I stood in the hallway and watched him. I sighed. I walked into the kitchen and instead of saying anything I went in for a hug. He gave me a look and pushed me away. "Louis–" I said but he ignored me and went upstairs, slamming the bedroom door. I took a deep breath. I decided it would be best to give him some space. I took off my coat and hung it up in the closet then made myself a cup of tea and sat down on the couch. I turned on the tv and watched it for awhile. Minutes later Louis walked in and sat down next to me. "Maddy?" He looked at me upsettingly. I looked at him. "I'm sorry I pushed you and I'm sorry I made such a big deal out of this. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I was just worried that maybe-" He stopped. "Maybe what??" I flashed a confused look toward him. "That maybe you would leave me for him..." Silence. I started to chuckle and he looked at me confused. "Lou, I would never leave you and you KNOW it. I didn't think he was cute either. Honestly I thought he we quite rude" I put a hand on his knee. He smiled at me, leaned in, and kissed me. We pulled away and smiled "I love you" he smirked. "I love you too" I repeated it back. [Next day] "We have to babysit today" I grinned at Louis. "Aw man, I wanted to go to the park today" he whined. "We still can" I laughed. A knock came upon the door. It was my cousin Austin [He was 7]. "I got it" I ran to the door. I opened it to see a smiley Austin. "Hi Mads!" He hollered as he hugged me. I bent down as I wrapped him up in my arms. "Hi buddy" I kissed his cheek. "I'll pick him up around 7:00, is that okay?" Aunt Jackie asked with a smile. "Of course. Anytime is fine" I smiled. We said goodbye and off she went...[Nap time] He wouldn't budge to take a nap but he had to. "Want me to read you a story?" I smiled at him as he sat in bed. "Yeah story story!" He said with a big smile. I picked out a story, it was one of his all time favorites..."And thus created a beautiful friendship" I ended. Good, he was asleep. I pulled the blanket up over him and kissed his cheek. I sat down next to him on the bed. I couldn't wait to have my own kids. He was precious. Suddenly Louis sat down next to me and put his hand on my knee. "Please tell me you don't want kids" he joked. I playfully slapped his shoulder. I looked at him and grinned. "Actually Louis..." I stooped mid sentence. I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs, sitting on the couch. "I do want kids Louis" I smiled. "Seriously?" His eyes shut up. "Yes seriously. They're just so cute and it'd be fun to have little us running around the house" I cuddled into him and he took my hand. "Maddy, you're cute" he laughed. I blushed "I know". We talked for awhile until Austin woke up. [Dinner] "And you made this?" Louis laughed. "No Louis, I bought it" I said sarcastically with a follow up laugh. We are and soon Austin went home. Louis and I finally had our alone time once again. We cuddled up to a movie and soon I feel asleep in his arms.

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