Brunette Vs. Blonde

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"You can't let him push you around like that. He isn't your boss. You have to say something" Louis said as he sat down on the couch after me. "I know, but he's my boyfriend and I don't wanna hurt him" I replied with a sigh. "Hurt him? Maddy, he's hurting you and you know it" he gave me a look before picking up his cup of tea and taking a sip. He was right, Niall was hurting me. He was always pushing me around and telling me what to do. He always hit me, "playfully" or not. He was rude, and in front of the boys too. The boys tried to stop him but he just didn't listen. Louis was my best friend, he knew what was best for me, and honestly I knew I didn't love Niall, I loved Louis, and I wanted him to know but I didn't know how to tell him. I decided to write a song for him. I got to work...After Louis left that is. I sat in my room and grabbed a notepad and pencil and my guitar and got to work. Suddenly my phone went off. It was a message from Niall: I'm coming over soon. Be ready.... I hated how he just invited himself over. I had already invited the boys over so Niall would have to suck it up. They all showed up, and Niall wasn't too pleased but I didn't care. I stayed by Louis most of the night. I had my notepad [with the song written on it] on the coffee table, for everyone to see, but nobody looked at it. Suddenly Niall picked it up and all I could think was "Shit". I walked over to him, he started to read it, he wok don't put it down when I asked. "Niall put it down" I said angry now. "This is so cute. You wrote this for me" he smiled. Louis caught on soon, he knew it wasn't for Niall. "Niall, just put it down. She doesn't want you seeing it, it's not your business" Louis spoke. Niall slammed it down and laughed. "Well if it wasn't for me who was it for??" Niall got up in his face. Louis held his hand against Niall's chest, backing him away. "I don't know but it sure wasn't for you if she didn't want you to see it" Louis said sternly. Niall got mad, started to push around Louis. Of course I got in the middle. "This doesn't involve you bitch" Niall turned around and raised a hand to me, slapping me on the cheek. "NIALL!!!" Louis yelled. The boys got up and rushed to me. Harry ran and got an ice pack. Louis wrapped me in his arms and held me tight. I was crying hard, my cheek stung. "What the hell is wrong with you??" Louis yelled at him. Niall gulped and whispered "Shit..." He tried to walk towards me but Louis pulled me away from him. He stood in front of me, "Niall, I think you should leave now". Louis protected me like a brother, it was sweet. Niall stepped closer to me "Maddy, I'm-I'm so sorry". I wrapped my arms around Louis' chest and he held me. "Get out Niall..." He tried to change my mind. "I SAID GET OUT!!!" I yelled. Tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking. Niall left and we all sat on the floor now. "What an asshole!" Louis scolded. I held the ice pack on my cheek and sniffled. "You okay love??" Louis asked sweetly as he rubbed my back. I nodded and now sat on his lap. "Aww" I heard Harry mumble. I smiled. I set down the ice pack and hugged Louis. I whispered "I love you". He pushed me away. No words. Instead he pressed his soft lips to mine and we shared a perfect kiss. It was perfect. I pulled away and chuckled "That song...Was for you." He smiled and got up. He handed me the notepad and he ran and got my guitar. "Sing it for us love" he sat back down. The boys all nodded their heads and smiled at me. I smiled at them and started to strum the guitar and sing. I smiled throughout the whole song and didn't take my eyes off of Louis. At the end they all clapped an Louis hugged me. "Babe, that was so cute!!" Life as perfect from then on out.

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