Moving On. Letting Go. Getting him back?

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[It was the end of June and school had ended]
I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack. My mom and dad and brother were sitting at the table, talking. "Maddy. We have to talk to you." My eyebrows shot up and I sat down. "What is it?" I asked as I sat down. My mom spoke up, "Hunny, your dad got a new job and we have to move. We're moving to California and we leave tomorrow." Tears filled my eyes as I immediately got up. "I can't believe this!" I screamed as I ran up the stairs. I slammed the door and threw myself into the bed. I cried for the rest of the night, I didn't eat and I couldn't sleep. All of a sudden my phone rang. I picked it up even though I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. "Hello?" I said into the phone, still crying. "Babe, what's wrong?" It was Louis. I could barely talk. "My p-parents told me t-that we're m-moving to California. We l-leave tomorrow." I barely got the words out. He replied, "No! You can't move!! You can't leave me. Please. Don't go." I cried harder. I couldn't take it so I hung up. Two minutes later my door swung open and there was Louis. He ran over to me and enveloped me into a tight hug. "I don't want to leave Lou!!" I cried into his chest. "I won't let this happen. You're not going anywhere. You can move in with me. Let's go talk to your parents." He helped me up and dried my tears. "Stop crying, it's gonna be okay." He took my hand and we walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Mom. Dad. I have to talk to you." I still held onto Louis hand in nervousness. "Mom. Dad. I don't want to leave. I'm 17, I am old enough to make my own decisions now. I want to stay here. I want to stay with Louis." They looked at each other then at Louis then at me. "I'm sorry Hunny, that can't happen. We understand you're upset and don't want to leave but you have to. Now, go pack." I started to cry again. I grabbed Louis' hand and we ran upstairs.  We sat on the bed and I put my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. "It'll be okay." He whispered to me. I turned my head towards him and he put the hair in my face behind my ear. "Baby. It'll be okay. I know you're upset and I am too. I'm gonna miss you so much but we'll see each other again and no matter what I'll always love you, and only you. I won't let this stop our relationship." He kissed me softly and enveloped me into another hug. "I love you so much." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too." I said back. We got up off the bed and started to pack. I picked up the picture of us [which was my favorite] from my dresser and looked at it. Louis walked over to me and slung his arm around me. I smiled at him, "You remember this?" He smiled, "Yeah. That was the best day of my life." I put my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head. We finally finished packing. It was Friday evening and we left the next day. After we were all done we went over to Louis' to say goodbye. "Call the boys and tell them to come over." I told Louis. He did as I asked and soon the boys were over. We all sat in the living room, just me and the boys. "I can't believe you're actually moving." Harry said. We all stood up and got into a circle, hugging as a group. "I love you guys." I cried, still hugging them. "Love you too." They all said in sink. We spent the night [our last night] together. We did what we all loved to do: we went laser tagging then out for frozen yogurt. We went back to Louis' and watched movies and chilled and had a fun last night together. In the morning I woke up to find nobody around. "Louis?!" I yelled. I looked around the house, nobody was home. I heard some noises coming from next door [my house]. I walked outside to see the moving truck along with my family and the boys. I saw the backyard all decorated and I saw tables. I walked over and walked through the house, which was also empty. "Hello?" I shouted, softly. I opened the back door and everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!" My eyes widened and I smiled. I walked more into the yard. Louis walked up to me and said "Surprise babe." My eyes almost drowned with water.  "Me and the boys wanted to throw you a goodbye party." I smiled. "Aww. I love you Louis." He kissed me then took my hand. We walked to the other boys, hand in hand. "Thank you guys. I love you." I said hugging them. We ate and partied until it was time to go. We all stood in front of the house and said our goodbyes. First it was the boys. I said goodbye to each of them. First was Niall. I stood in front of him. Maddy. I'm going to miss you so much. You're like my sister. You give me your food when I'm hungry and I'm gonna miss that. I love you, and I always will." I hugged him while saying "I love you too." Next was Liam. "Goodbye Maddy. It was fun always having you around. I'm gonna miss you." I hugged him and said "I love you." Zayn. "I know we didn't really get along but...I'm gonna miss you." He stuttered. I hugged him and said "I'm gonna miss you too, love you." Next was Harry. Now, Harry was my best friend [next to Louis], and I was gonna miss him most of all [next to Louis]. I smiled at him, he smiled back. "Maddy. You're my best friend and no matter what I'll always love you. You're so fun to be around and I'm gonna miss you so much. I love you so much." I hugged him and whispered, "I love you too." The boys backed up and Louis now stood in front of me. Tears began to roll down my cheeks. He wiped away the tears. He kissed me passionately and then hugged me. "Maddy, it's not gonna be the same without you around. I'm gonna miss you so much." I began to cry again. "I'm gonna miss you too. I love you so much Louis, never forgot that." I quickly took out my phone and we all took one last selfie together. My mom honked the horn and I turned to the car then back to the boys. "Well, time to go." I said, a tear rolling down my cheek. The boys all hugged me again. As I walked to the car Louis yelled "TEXT ME!!!" I nodded. I opened the car door but didn't get in just yet. I stood there and looked at the boys. Louis had tears in his eyes. I was heartbroken. I couldn't believe this was happening. I waved to them, they waved back. I got in the car and closed the door. I rolled down my window and waved to them. "Bye guys!! I love you!!" I screamed as the car drove off. Soon they were no longer in sight. "MOM! STOP THE CAR, I FORGOT SOMETHING!" Now, I didn't forgot anything I just needed one last hug and kiss from Louis. She pulled over and I got out and ran back to the house. As Louis was about to walk into his house I yelled, "LOUIS!!!" He turned around and saw me. The boys looked confused. They walked over. Louis ran to me and hugged me. "What are you doing?" I cried as I held him against me. "I love you so much. I don't want to leave." Louis smiled at me and pushed me away. He looked at me, "Maddy. You have to go. I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me too, but you have to go. I'll call you every night before bed and I'll text you and we'll FaceTime everyday. I promise. I love you." I continued to cry. I wouldn't let go of him. My dad got out of the car and had to pull me off of him, "NO!!!" I said fighting against him.  He pulled me away from Louis and into the car. I rolled down my window and watched Louis, not taking my eyes off him. I cried and he waved, with a faded smile. I smiled back. He was out of sight and we got further and further away from him and the boys. I rolled up my window and cried. I texted Louis:
M: I miss you already babe. I'm not gonna make it without you. I need you.
L: I know! I miss you too. It's gonna be okay though. I promise I'll come and visit. The boys told me to tell you that they're gonna miss you so much and to text them later.
M: I will. I can't stop crying rn. I love you so much!!! ❤️
L: I know, me either. I love you too babe. I'm gonna go now though. Me and the boys have plans. Love you, ttyl.
I put my phone into my pocket and looked out the window. I dozed off. [Hours later] "We're here!" Mom said. Corey [my brother] nudged me and I woke up to find a beautiful [and big] house [it was the house that they moved into at the end of Marley & Me]. "This is our house?" I asked, excited and surprised. "Yeah. Go see your rooms." My dad answered. Corey and I looked at each other then bolted out of the car and into the big house. I FaceTimed the boys and showed them the house and my bedroom. In the backyard was a pool with a slide and diving board along with a trampoline. "This is awesome!" I said to them. We unpacked the truck and soon we were all settled in. It felt as though I was back at home. The last thing I had unpacked from my stuff was the picture of Louis and I. I set it on the nightstand next to my bed and soon I was done. I helped Corey unpack along with mom and dad. Soon, everything was done. [Weeks later] "I haven't heard from Louis lately. I hope he's okay." I said to myself. I decided to call him. He didn't answer. All of a sudden I got a call from Harry. "Maddy?" He sounded worried, which made me worry. "Harry. Is everything okay? Where's Louis?" He replied, "Louis is home. But I'm worried about him. He hasn't been himself ever since you let. He hasn't been eating or sleeping. He's been in bed and he hasn't moved. I'm worried about him." I gulped and started to softly cry. "Put him on the phone." I demanded. He did so. "Louis. Listen to me! It's okay. You need to get up. I'm fine. I know you're still upset and I am too, but there's nothing I can do about it. Please for me. Get up, eat something, take a shower, please. I love you so much." I explained to him. He sniffled, "Okay. I miss you so much. FaceTime me later babe. I love you." He said. "I will and I love you too babe." I replied. I hung up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I was SO hungry!! I opened the fridge and saw that it was FILLED. "Thank God. Mom went shopping." I said to myself. I grabbed a slice of pizza and made myself a cup of tea. Mom and dad were at work now and only Corey and I were home. He walked into the kitchen and said, "Whatcha making?" I chuckled, "Pizza with a cup of tea." I took the pizza out of the microwave and grabbed my tea. I walked into the living room and sat down. I placed my cup of tea on a coaster next to me and set my plate of pizza down on the table. I turned the tv on and Corey then sat down next to me. "You like it here?" He asked me. I nodded. My smile faded as I remembered Louis and the boys. He scooted closer to me and put his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder. "It's okay Maddy." He kept hugging me until I was okay. [Weeks passed] Today was a big day. My birthday! I woke up around 10am. I did my hair and tossed on a cute outfit. I wore a striped tank top with blue tons and red [jean] shorts. I took my hair out of its bun and brushed it. I brushed my teeth then headed downstairs. I walked into the living room, which was dark. I walked in and everyone jumped up and yelled "Surprise!!" My eyes widened and I walked over to them. "Thanks guys." I smiled. They all hugged me. As we ate ice cream and cake the doorbell rang. "I got it!" I shouted as I bolted up and ran to the door. I opened the door to find...LOUIS and the boys standing behind him. I smiled and jumped into his arms. I kissed him and held him tight. I was so happy to see him and I could tell him [and the other boys] were happy too. He set me down and I looked at him, "What are you doing here?" He laughed, "You don't think we'd miss your birthday do you?"  I laughed. I grabbed his hand and they all came in. My parents were surprised to see them. They looked at each other and smiled. We all sat down and I had gotten the boys their cake and ice cream. "Wow. This is really good. Who made this?" Niall asked. "I did." Corey replied. "It's good." Niall added. Corey laughed. Soon everyone had finished their ice cream and cake and I began to open presents. First were the boys presents. Finally, I had opened all of them, except Louis'. He handed me the gift bag, it was big. First I read the card. As I read it I started to tear up. Louis wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "I love you." I smiled and playfully punched his shoulder replying, "I know." I took out the things inside of the bag; Candy, socks, and a CD, with a bunch of other stuff. I looked at the CD then at him. "What's this?" I questioned him showing him the CD. "I made it for you. It's a CD of all our pictures that we ever took together. From childhood until now." I smiled and hugged him, "Awww, that's adorable! Thank you Lou." He kissed me. "I have something else for you." He ran into the kitchen. I was so confused. I looked at the boys. "Close your eyes!" He yelled as he walked slowly back into the living room. I closed my eyes. "They're closed!" I said to him. He walked in and said "Open your eyes." I did so. He stood in front of me, with a big teddy bear and a rose and a box of chocolates. "Awww." I said to him. All of a sudden he knelt down onto one knee and took out a box from his back pocket. He opened it and in it was a beautiful ring. "Will you marry me?" I started to cry as I threw myself into his arms. "Yes yes yes!!" I cried. He spun me around in a circle then set me down and kissed me. "I love you so much." I said. He said the same. The party was over but the boys all stayed with me for the night. "Thanks for tonight. I love you guys." I smiled. We all chilled and watched movies the rest of the night. Soon, I fell asleep, my head on Louis' chest. "I love you." I heard him say. I smiled. In the morning I felt a nudge. "Wake up babe. I have news." I looked around "Hmmm" I was half asleep. After getting up and being fully awaken we went upstairs and for breakfast. As I made breakfast he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I'm not leaving." I almost fainted when he said this do me. "What do you mean?" I asked him, shocked to hear this. "I talked to your parents and my parents and they agreed to let me stay here with you." That would explain why I saw him with like 5 suitcases. "Are you serious?" He turned me around and kissed me passionately. "I'm gonna sleep in the spare room." I was so happy. This was the best day ever. "The boys have to leave though." This made me sad and we had to say goodbye, again. "Where are they?" I asked. "They're getting in the car now. Quick, I'll take over breakfast, I already said goodbye. Go!" He yelled. I rushed out of the door and saw Harry. I yelled "HARRY!!!" He turned around to see me. He stopped and I ran to him. "Louis told me you guys had to leave, so I wanted to say goodbye...again." Harry smiled at me. "Yeah. We have to leave. I'm gonna miss you so much Maddy." He said. I hugged him tightly. "Promise you and the boys will come and visit?" He nodded, "Of course." I kissed his cheek and I said goodbye to the other boys. Louis and I stand on the front porch and wave to the boys as they drive off. Louis wraps his arm around me.
I quickly took a picture of us and sent it to the boys [in a group message] and said: "We're gonna miss you guys. Love you! ~Maddy and Louis
They sent this message back:
"We're gonna miss you two just as much! Thank you for everything you've done for us and we promise we'll come and visit. We love you so much!!!"
I started to tear up but I held them back. "It's okay babe. You'll see them again. At least I'm here." He kissed me then hugged me. We went back inside and ate breakfast. "This is really good." I told him as we ate. We finished breakfast then spent the rest of the happy as could be!

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