The Unforgettable Road Trip

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"Maddy he's here!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Today was the day Louis and I were taking a road trip. We've been planning this for weeks and the day has finally come. I grabbed my bag and phone then hurried downstairs. "You got everything?" She asked as I made my way to the door. "Yeah mom" I replied. I opened the door and ran out to Louis' car, parked in front of my house. I put my bag in the backseat and then got in on the passengers side. We waved goodbye to mom and drove off. This was going to be awesome. I wasn't sure where we were going, Louis said it was a surprise. "You ready for this?" Louis smirked at me. I smiled widely at him "Of course I am". We drove and drove and drove. We listened to the radio half the way while the other half was either quiet and scenic or I was sleeping or we were just talking. My favorite song came on, Check Yes, Juliet, and I started to dance around in my seat and sing to it. "You're so cute babe" Louis chuckled as he watched me then kept his eyes on the road again. Everything was perfect everything was fun. Finally, we made it. The Seattle Shuttle. We stood in front of it. It was so tall, and I was scared of heights, Louis knew it too. He looked at me, took my hand, and smiled, "It's alright love, I'm here. Don't be scared." I looked at him and smiled, I knew he would protect me, he always did. We walked in and headed up to the top. "Wow, this is beautiful" Louis said as he leaned against the glass, looking down. I stood behind him, scared. He chuckled and turned around "Oh come on babe, I'm right here". He grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. We looked down at the city, it sure was beautiful. He held me tight against him. I smiled, I knew I was safe with him. Soon, our trip had to come to an end. We made our way back home. We stopped at a gas station and that's when everything went wrong. "I'll be right back, stay here" Louis gave me a look and went inside. Minutes later I got bored so I decided to walk around and stretch my feet. As I walked around I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I figured it was Louis, nope. The man spun me around and put a hand over my mouth. Man was he strong. I started to cry and kick around in fear. I squirmed around in his strong arms but he then shoved me into the back of a van. I tried to scream but nobody could hear me. "Nobody's gonna come for you" the man chuckled as he drove off. He had put duct tape over my mouth and tied my hands together. He took my phone as well. He dialed Louis' number....[Louis' P.O.V.] Oh shit. She wasn't anywhere to be found. I was panicking, my heart was beating out of my chest. "MADDY!!" I yelled. No answer. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. I took out my phone and called her. A man answered her phone. "Maddy, where are you? Who took you? Maddy!!" I panicked into the phone. I jumped in my car and drove, not putting down the phone. "If you ever want to see Maddy again you must bring me 100,000 dollars now and if you don't I will kill her" the man said. "Don't even think about laying a hand on my girl!!" I yelled. He hung up. "Shit" I said to myself. A tear rolled down my face, I couldn't believe this. He wasn't going to get away with this. This was MY girl and I didn't want her hurt but I didn't hurry she was going to die. I had to get money. I made a quick stop and picked up 100,000 dollars, even though I was saving it for collage but I'd rather have my girl back and safe with me then get into a good collage. I tracked their old abandoned warehouse. I got out of the car and ran inside. "MADDY!!!" I yelled. I heard a scream and my heart pounded faster as I made my way towards it. "MADDY!!" I yelled as I saw her, all tied up. I ran to her and took the tape off her mouth. Tears were pouring out of her eyes and she was bright red with fear. I untied her hands and hugged her. Suddenly the man came in and he had a gun. I held my arms around Maddy, she was shaking. "Leave my girl alone!" I yelled to him. We stood up and I stood in front of her. "Give me my money" he demanded. I took it out of my pocket and was about to give it to him but Maddy grabbed it from me. "Maddy, give that to me now" I scolded her. "This was your collage money. You aren't going to waste it on saving me. I'd rather see you get into collage then waste your money on saving me". She looked at me, broken hearted. "Maddy, stop. I'm not going to risk this. I'd rather have you back then get into collage. I love you so much and I can't stand to be without you. I'm stupid for letting this happen. It's all my fault." She hugged me tight, eyes overflowing with tears. "I love you so much, it's not your fault. It's mine. I'm the one who left the car. Don't think it's your fault, it's not!" The man sighed "Okay people, I don't have all day. Pay up or I kill you both". I looked at Louis and gulped, handing him the money but as he went to give it to him I took it back and put it in my pocket, "No, you aren't doing this". The man grabbed the money but Maddy fought with him. He spun her around and kicked her and suddenly he body slammed her onto the ground. She was shaking and crying. This crossed the line. As he was about to kick her I grabbed his leg. She got up and was watching us, coming closer. We fought around and I yelled to Maddy "Go Maddy, run!! Get outta here!!" She stayed in her spot. I wee crying now "Maddy go! Now! Get outta here!" She stayed. "No! I'm not leaving you Louis!!" She yelled back at me. I scolded her "GET OUTTA NOW, GO MADDY!!!" [My P.O.V] I knew I had no choice but to listen to him. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. I gave him one last look and he yelled at me again, "GO!" I did so...I made my way out and called the police. Minutes later they had arrived. They arrested the guy but Louis didn't come out. I was crying hard. I ran back inside and there lied Louis, unconscious on the ground, blood running from his lip. "LOUIS!!!" I yelled to him as I got on my knees next to him. I shook him but he didn't make a move. Tears ran down my face. I laid my head on his chest and cried. The police came rushing in and one was about to say something but the other stopped him and said "Let her be". I waited a few moments, no happened. That's when I gave up. I cried and cried as I stood up. I took one last look at him. I bent down, kissed his forehead, and walked out with the police men. "He was a good guy to protect you like that" one said to me. "Yeah...too bad he's gone now" I sighed as I made my way to Louis' car. Suddenly I heard a shaky voice, it sounded like Louis, but I figured I was just dreaming. I looked up and there he was, standing with his arms open. "LOUIS!!!" I yelled, running to him. I jumped into his arms and he held me tight, "I am so sorry Maddy." I cried into his chest "I love you so much Louis". After about 10 minutes of hugging and crying we got ready to head home. We thanked the police men and made our way home but once we got into the neighborhood we made one last stop. We drove up a mountain and parked the car. Louis unfolded the back of the truck and set up blankets and pillows. We now laid down and looked up at the stars. He held me tight against him as I nuzzled myself into him. He looked at me "Maddy?" I looked up at him "Yeah?" He smiled "I love you and no matter what I'm always going to protect you and I'm never going to just give up on you, I need you to know that". I kissed him sweetly and looked into his eyes "I know that and I love you just as much". I cuddled into him, this moment was perfect. The stars were absolutely beautiful. "The stars as so beautiful" I smiled as I pointed out a constellation. "Not as beautiful as you" Louis chucked, putting my hand down. "Oh you're so pathetic" I laughed at him, jokingly. "Ouch, that hurt" he chuckled back. "You know I love you" I smiled. He played with my hair softly "Yeah, I know". I soon dozed off in his arms. I felt his strong arms pick me up, bridal style, and place me in the back of the car. He covered me up, I was shivering. He placed a pillow under my head. I felt him kiss my forehead and whisper "I love you Maddy." He got into the drivers seat and we drove home. Soon enough I was in bed, safe and sound, wrapped up in Louis' arms. Louis held me against him "I'm never letting you go". He kissed my forehead once again. "I love you Maddy" he added. I felt a smile form on my face. I opened my eyes, kissed him, and repeated it back to him. He smiled at me, I smiled at him.

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