War Of Love

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Harry and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We did everything together. We were inseparable, that is until Louis came into my life. Louis was my boyfriend and I was happy with him but I always have had a thing for Harry...It was a slow day at school, I couldn't wait to get home, mostly because it was Friday and I was having the boys over for the weekend....*Last bell rings* The halls filled quickly. I rushed to my locker and packed up my backpack. "Hey babe" Louis kissed my cheek and stood next to me. I smiled at him "Hey Lou". I closed my locker and he took my hand. We walked back to my house and got ready for the weekend. Soon enough the boys had arrived. The rest of the night was fun....Up until a game of Truth Or Dare that made me break..."Maddy, truth or dare?" Niall chuckled. The boys looked at me. Usually I was the one to pick dare but instead I chose truth. "Hmm" he thought. "Is it true that you have a secret crush on Harry?" I froze. The boys looked at me. I said nothing. Instead I got up and walked out onto the front porch. I sat on the step and a tear trickled down my cheek. Maybe...Maybe I did love Harry. I was happy with Louis but I just felt something for Harry I couldn't quite explain to myself. Suddenly Harry walked out and sat down beside me. He looked at me "Hey Mads, you okay??" Truth is, I wasn't okay. God I loved him, I wanted to kiss him so bad but I knew I couldn't. "Not really..." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He looked at me as I looked at the ground. "Maddy look at me" he put his hand on my knee. "It's okay to tell the truth. If you love me, tell me...I'd like to know because it just so happens that I feel the same way, and I have ever since like 7th grade" he smiled. Wow, he loves me too. I just couldn't believe it! Suddenly it happened....He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. A piece of hair fell in front of my face and Harry places it behind my ear. He then leaned in and...kissed me! It felt so good yet, it felt so wrong. I kissed back then pulled away and smiled. "I can't believe you Maddy". We turned around to see Louis standing in the doorway. Shit....I have Harry a look then looked back to Louis. "Louis I-" I started but he cut me off "We're done Maddy. You clearly love Harry and not me. Don't call me, don't come by my house...." He stormed off. I sighed and got up, walking back inside. Well, that was the end for me and Louis. We watched a movie and then ate before heading to bed. Harry and I slept in the same bed with Niall and Liam in the other. [Weeks later, Harry slept over] I couldn't sleep. Not at all. I messed up and I knew I'd never get Louis back. I just lost the best thing that's ever happened to me. I stared at the ceiling and sighed. I turned my head to look at Harry, he was so cute when he was sleeping. I sat up and sat on the edge of the bed. I picked up a picture frame I had on my nightstand. It held a super cute picture of me and Louis together. It was Christmas and we had the biggest smiles on our faces. We were in front of the Christmas tree and I was on his back. I smiled at it then put it back down. I got up and quietly walked downstairs, without walking him. I walked into the kitchen and swiftly made myself a cup of tea. I walked into the living room and sat down on the floor next to the fire place. I made myself a little fire. I grabbed a book off the table and began to read and sip my tea. I read and sipped sipped and read. Minutes later I felt a body sit down next to me. I looked up from my book to see Harry. "What are you doing down here? It's 2 in the morning. Are you okay?" He scooted closer to me. I sighed "Yeah, I'm fine". I wasn't fine. I missed Louis. We haven't talked to each other at all, haven't hung out or texted or called each other, nothing. I really really missed him. "You sure? You don't look fine" Harry gave me a look. He knew something was wrong. "Harry, I said I'm fine" he sighed and got up, leaving my side. I thought he won't upstairs. I placed my book back on the table along with my cup of tea, which I had finished. I walked to the couch and laid down, I didn't want to walk all the way back upstairs. I just laid there and soon dozed off. [Harry's P.O.V] She missed Louis, I could tell but I knew Louis had moved on. I walked back into the living room and saw her asleep on the couch. Awww, she was so cute! I covered her up with a blanket then flicked off the light. I bent down to her and kissed her forehead. "I love you Maddy" I said before sitting down on the floor beside her. I laid my head on the edge of the couch and dozed off. [Louis' P.O.V]  I have a new girlfriend but this just doesn't seem right....I don't even love her, I love Maddy. I messed up. I really messed up. This wasn't like any other time we had fought. I knew better that she didn't make the first move of the kiss. Harry has always been jealous of us, he's told me, but now I was trying to make HER jealous with my girlfriend. But that didn't matter, I wanted my girl back. I couldn't sleep, not at all. I didn't eat. I didn't talk, not even to the boys. I knew I had to fix this. I had to get my girl back. I had to break up with Tiffany [my new girlfriend] and I had to do it now. [My P.O.V] Well, he moved on. I was the one who couldn't move on. I miss him, I really really miss him. I knew what I had to do...I took out my songbook and my guitar and a sharpened pencil. I was going to write him a song.....It was hard work but I finally finished it. After hours of sitting, writing, and thinking I was finally done. I decided to go out on the roof and practice how I was going to sing it. I started to sing and strum. [Louis' P.O.V] I walked down the empty streets, by myself, on my way to Niall's house for the night. I heard a sound. I stopped and listened. It was a beautiful sound. It sounded like Maddy. I listened closer, yep it was Maddy. Her voice was insanely beautiful, just perfect. I walked around her house and listened from under the roof. "As I drive home alone and I turn out the light, I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight. Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar the only one whose got enough of me to break my heart, he's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do" she sang. It was beautiful. I listened until the end, I tried my best not to cry. I walked around to the front door and instead of knocking walked in. Nobody else was home but Maddy. I quietly, oh so very quietly, closed the door and walked up to her room. I peeked in, she was still on the roof. I walked over to the window and onto the roof. I sat down next to her. She looked up and her face lit up when she saw me. "Maddy, I have to talk to you" I sighed. "Okay" she turned her body towards me. I explained everything, I apologized. She listened to every word I said, not taking her focus off of me. After I was done talking she said nothing. "I'll give you time to think about it" I said, getting up. Suddenly she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, pulled me into her, and crashed her lips to mine. Seconds later she pulled away and hugged me. "I love you Louis"  she whispered in my ear. I smile grew on my face "I love you too Maddy". I did it. I got my girl back. Tiffany was a thing of the past. She already moved on and I was happier than ever. [My P.O.V] Life was perfect, just perfect. Things were back to the way they were and that's how I like it. No drama. No more fighting. Just laughter and happiness and love and friendship. The war of love had ended.

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